Data Prep

Last Updated: May 2023

In this tutorial you will get you familiar with sample NextGen data and prepare it for use in your Tethys application.

0. Start From Previous Solution (Optional)

If you wish to use the previous solution as a starting point:

git clone
cd tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial
git checkout -b configure-map-layout-solution configure-map-layout-solution-4.2

1. Download the sample NextGen data

  1. Download our sample NextGen data:

  2. Save to ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/tethysapp/map_layout_tutorial/workspaces/app_workspace

  3. Unzip the contents to the same location

  4. Delete the zip file


The app_workspace folder is the best place to store data that your Tethys app will need to reference.

2. Explore the Data

  1. Enter the sample_nextgen_data folder and note two subfolders named config and outputs.

The config folder contains files that are used to configure and run the NextGen model. The outputs folder contains the output files generated from the model run.

  1. Enter the outputs folder

Note that there are nearly 1,000 files in this folder - most of which are in CSV format. These are the time-series outputs of the NextGen model - one per each catchment and nexus that was modeled. The catchment outputs are all named <catID>.csv and the nexus outputs are named <nexID>_output.csv. You can open up each and take a look at them. We will come back to these files later in the tutorial as we work on being able to dynamically view them within this tutorial's Tethys app.

  1. Return to the sample_nextgen_data folder

  2. Enter the config folder

Note the various file formats (i.e. suffixes). The only files of interest to us are those ending in .geojson, representing the GeoJSON format. GeoJSON is a standardized, spatial data format used to represent the locations and shapes of features on the earth. Some inputs to the NextGen model fall under this category: namely, the nexus points, flowpaths and catchments. Note that there is a .geojson file containing the spatial data for each of these datasets: nexus.geojson, flowpaths.geojson, and catchments.geojson


You can learn more about GeoJSON on the official website.

  1. Open the nexus.geojson file

Any editor will do.

  1. Note the coordinate reference system

This is found under the path crs > properties > name and shows urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::5070. The most common projections for web-mapping (including Tethys) are EPSG:4326 (i.e. WGS84) and EPSG:3857. We will need ensure that any data we intend to visualize in our Tethys application is in one of these formats into one of these formats. We'll go with EPSG:4326.

3. Reproject the Spatial Data

There are various packages and tools out there that can be used to reproject spatial datasets. The most straightforward option is to use geopandas. To do this, we will create a small command-line python script that can reproject any provided GeoJSON file into the provided projection.

  1. Create a subfolder in the ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial folder called scripts.

  2. Enter this new scripts folder

  3. Create a file called reproject_environment.yml.

This file will define the conda environment required to run the reproject script we will create.

  1. Paste the following into the file:

name: reproject
  - conda-forge
  - python >=3.11
  - geopandas
  1. Save and close this file

  2. Create another file called

This file will contain the actual logic that performs the reprojection.

  1. Paste the following into the file:

import argparse
import geopandas as gp

def main(args):
    gp.read_file(args.in_filename).to_crs(f'EPSG:{args.projection}').to_file(args.in_filename.replace('.geojson', f'_{args.projection}.geojson'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Reproject GeoJSON files.'

    parser.add_argument('in_filename', help='The source GeoJSON file to reproject.')
    parser.add_argument('projection', help='EPSG code of target projection.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

The argparse library is used to provide useful command-line management to your script, such as argument parsing, basic error handling and help messages. This logic actually takes up the bulk of the script, as can be seen.

The geopandas library is a powerful library for interacting with spatial data in various formats. Note that the main logic that performs the reprojection is contained on a single line. The GeoJSON file is read into memory, reprojected, and then written back out to a new GeoJSON file.

  1. Save and close this file

  1. Open the Anaconda Prompt application

  2. Create and activate the reproject environment

cd ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/scripts
conda env create -f reproject_environment.yml
conda activate reproject

This will create the conda/python environment for executing your script and then make it the active environment.

  1. Run the reprojection script on the catchment and nexus datasets

python ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/tethysapp/map_layout_tutorial/workspaces/app_workspace/sample_nextgen_data/config/nexus.geojson 4326
python ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/tethysapp/map_layout_tutorial/workspaces/app_workspace/sample_nextgen_data/config/catchments.geojson 4326

And that's it! These GeoJSON files have now been reprojected into EPSG:4326 and are saved alongside the original versions with a _4326 identifier. These are now ready for use in your Tethys web application!

4. Solution

This concludes the Data Prep portion of the Map Layout Tutorial. You can view the solution on GitHub at or clone it as follows:

git clone
cd tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial
git checkout -b data-prep-solution data-prep-solution-4.2

You'll also need to do the following:

  1. Download the solution version of the sample NextGen data used in this tutorial:

  2. Save to tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/tethysapp/map_layout_tutorial/workspaces/app_workspace

  3. Unzip the contents to the same location

  4. Delete the zip file

  5. Rename the sample_nextgen_data_solution to sample_nextgen_data (i.e. remove "_solution")