New Tethys App Project

Last Updated: May 2023

In this tutorial you will create a new Tethys App project using the scaffold. The following topics will be reviewed in this tutorial:

  • Scaffolding New Tethys Apps

  • Managing App Dependencies

  • Adding a Custom Icon

  • Customizing App Theme Color


1. Generate Scaffold

To generate a new Tethys App using the scaffold, open a terminal and execute the following commands:

# Activate the tethys environment
conda activate tethys
# Create a working directory (if it doesn't exist already)
mkdir ~/tethysdev
cd ~/tethysdev
# Scaffold a new Tethys app
tethys scaffold map_layout_tutorial

You will be prompted to enter metadata about the app such as, proper name, version, author, and description. All of these metadata are optional and can be changed later in the generated file (as you'll note later on). You can accept the default values by pressing enter, repeatedly.

In a file browser change into your Home directory and open the tethysdev directory. If the scaffolding worked, you should see a directory called tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial. All of the source code for your app is located in this directory. For more information about the app project structure, see App Project Structure.

2. Add App Dependencies to install.yml

App dependencies should be managed using the install.yml instead of the This app will only require the third-party pandas package, which will be used to read in the NextGen CSV outputs that we'll explore in the next section. This package is available on conda-forge, which is the preferred Conda channel for Tethys. Open tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial/install.yml and add this dependency to the requirements.conda section of the file:

# This file should be committed to your app code.
version: 1.1
# This should be greater or equal to your tethys-platform in your environment
tethys_version: ">=4.0.0"
# This should match the app - package name in your
name: map_layout_tutorial

    # Putting in a skip true param will skip the entire section. Ignoring the option will assume it be set to False
    skip: false
        - conda-forge
        - pandas




3. Development Installation

Install the app and it's dependencies into your development Tethys Portal. In a terminal, change into the tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial directory and execute the tethys install -d command.

cd ~/tethysdev/tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial
tethys install -d

4. Customize App Icon and Theme Color

Download this NOAA Digital Logo or find one that you like and save it to the public/images directory. Modify the icon property of your app class to reference the new image. Also change the color property to the #003087 color:

class MapLayoutTutorial(TethysAppBase):
    Tethys app class for Map Layout Tutorial.

    name = 'Map Layout Tutorial'
    package = 'map_layout_tutorial'  # WARNING: Do not change this value
    index = 'home'
    icon = f'{package}/images/noaa_digital_logo-2022.png'
    root_url = 'map-layout-tutorial'
    color = '#003087'

5. View Your New App

  1. Start up the development server to view the new app:

tethys manage start


if using the django.db.backends.postgresql ENGINE, the following will be useful.

To stop the development server press CTRL-C.

If you get errors related to Tethys not being able to connect to the database, start the database by running:

tethys db start

You can also stop the Tethys database by running:

tethys db stop
  1. Browse to in a web browser and login. The default portal user is:

  • username: admin

  • password: pass

Verify the following:

  1. The default app icon should be replaced with the custom image you added in step 4.

  2. The primary color for the app should be a dark blue (see screenshot at the beginning of the tutorial).

6. Solution

This concludes the New App Project portion of the Map Layout Tutorial. You can view the solution on GitHub at or clone it as follows:

git clone
cd tethysapp-map_layout_tutorial
git checkout -b new-app-project-solution new-app-project-solution-4.2