Beginner Concepts

Last Updated: May 2022

This tutorial introduces important concepts for first-time or beginner Tethys developers. The topics covered include:

  • The App Class

  • Model View Controller

  • Introduction to the View

  • Django Template Language

  • Introduction to the Controller

  • Templating Gizmos

  • Custom Styles and CSS

  • Linking Between Pages

  • App Navigation

1. App Class

The app class, located in is the primary configuration file for Tethys apps. All app classes inherit from the TethysAppBase class.

  1. Open in your favorite Python IDE or text editor.

  2. Change the theme color of your app by changing the value of the color property of the DamInventory class. Use a site like color-hex to find an appropriate hexadecimal RGB color.

  3. You can also change the icon of your app. Find a new image online (square images work best) and save it in the public/images/ directory of your app. Then change the value of the icon property of the DamInventory class to match the name of the image.


For more details about the app class, see the App Base Class API.


DO NOT change the value of the index, package, or root_url properties of your app class unless you know what you are doing. Doing so will break your app.

2. App Settings

Other settings for your app can be configured in the app settings. App settings are stored in a database, meaning they can be changed dynamically by the administrator of your portal. Some app settings, like Name and Description, correspond with properties in the script.

  1. To access the app settings, click on the Settings button (gear icon) at the top right-hand corner of your app.

  2. Change the Name and Description of your app by changing their respective values on the app settings page. Press the Save button, located at the bottom of the app settings page. Then navigate back to your app to see the changes.

You can also create custom settings for your app that can be configured on the app settings page:

  1. Open the and add the custom_settings() method to the DamInventory class. Don't for get to import CustomSetting:

    from tethys_sdk.app_settings import CustomSetting
    class DamInventory(TethysAppBase):
        Tethys app class for Dam Inventory.
        def custom_settings(self):
            Example custom_settings method.
            custom_settings = (
                    description='Maximum number of dams that can be created in the app.',
            return custom_settings


    Ellipsis in code blocks in Tethys tutorials indicate code that is not shown for brevity. When there are ellipsis in the code, DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE BLOCK VERBATIM.

  2. Save changes to

  3. The development server should automatically restart when it detects changes to files. However if it does not restart, you can manually restart it by pressing CTRL-C to stop the server followed by the tethys manage start command to start it again.

  4. Navigate to the settings page of your app and scroll down to the Custom Settings section and you should see an entry for the max_dams settings. Enter a value and save changes to the setting. You will learn how to use this custom setting in the app later on in the tutorial.


For more information about app settings, see the App Settings API.

3. Model View Controller

Tethys apps are developed using the Model View Controller (MVC) software architecture pattern. Model refers to the data model and associated code, View refers to the representations of the data, and Controller refers of the code that coordinates data from the Model for rendering in the View. In Tethys apps, the Model is usually an SQL database or files and the code for accessing them, the Views are most often the templates or HTML files, and Controllers are implemented as Python functions or classes.


For more information about the MVC pattern, see Key Concepts.


Views for Tethys apps are constructed using the standard web programming tools: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Additionally, HTML templates can use the Django Template Language, because Tethys Platform is build on Django. This allows you to coding logic into your HTML documents, using template tags, making the web pages of your app dynamic and reusable.

  1. Open /templates/dam_inventory/home.html and replace it's contents with the following:

    {% extends "dam_inventory/base.html" %}
    {% load tethys_gizmos %}
    {% block app_content %}
    {% gizmo dam_inventory_map %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_actions %}
    {% gizmo add_dam_button %}
    {% endblock %}


Django Template Language: If you are familiar with HTML, the contents of this file may seem strange. That's because the file is actually a Django template, which contains special syntax (i.e.: {% ... %} and {{ ... }} to make the template dynamic. Django templates can contain variables, filters, and tags.

Variables. Variables are denoted by double curly brace syntax like this: {{ variable }}. Template variables are replaced by the value of the variable. Dot notation can be used to access attributes of an object, keys of dictionaries, and items in lists or tuples: {{ my_object.attribute }} , {{ my_dict.key }}, and {{ my_list.3 }}.

Filters. Variables can be modified by filters which look like this: {{ variable|filter:argument }}. Filters modify the value of the variable output such as formatting dates, formatting numbers, changing the letter case, or concatenating multiple variables.

Tags. Tags use curly-brace-percent-sign syntax like this: {% tag %}. Tags perform many different functions including creating text, controlling flow, or loading external information to be used in the app. Some commonly used tags include for, if, block, and extends.

Blocks. The block tags in the Tethys templates are used to override the content in the different areas of the app base template. For example, any HTML written inside the app_content block will render in the app content area of the app.

For a better explanation of the Django Template Language and the blocks available in Tethys apps see the App Templating API.

5. Controllers

Basic controllers consist of a Python function that takes a request object as an argument. The request object contains all the information about the incoming request including any data being passed to the server, information about the user that is logged in, and the HTTP headers. Each controller function is associated with one view or template. Any variable assigned to the context variable in a controller becomes a variable on the template specified in the render function.

  1. Open define the dam_inventory_map and add_dam_button gizmos in your home controller:

    from django.shortcuts import render
    from tethys_sdk.gizmos import MapView, Button
    from tethys_sdk.routing import controller
    def home(request):
        Controller for the app home page.
        dam_inventory_map = MapView(
        add_dam_button = Button(
            display_text='Add Dam',
        context = {
            'dam_inventory_map': dam_inventory_map,
            'add_dam_button': add_dam_button
        return render(request, 'dam_inventory/home.html', context)
  2. Save your changes to and home.html and refresh the page to view the map.


Gizmos: The home.html template used a Tethys template tag, gizmo, to insert a map and a button with only one line of code: {% gizmo dam_inventory_map %}. Gizmo tags require one argument, an object that defines the options for the gizmo. These gizmo options must be defined in the controller for that view. In the example above we define the options objects for the two gizmos on the home.html template and pass them to the template through the context dictionary.

For more details on the Map View or Button Gizmos see: Map View and Button and Button Group For more information about Gizmos in general see the Template Gizmos API.

6. Custom Styles

It would look nicer if the map gizmo filled the entire app content area. To do this, we will need to add custom CSS or style rules to remove the padding around the inner-app-content area.

  1. Create a new file /public/css/map.css and add the following contents:

    #inner-app-content {
        padding: 0;
    #app-content, #inner-app-content, #map_view_outer_container {
        height: 100%;
  2. Load the styles on the /templates/dam_inventory/home.html template by adding a link to the public/css/map.css to it. To do this add static to the load statement at the top of the template and add the styles block to the end of the file:

    {% load tethys_gizmos static %}
    {% block styles %}
        {{ block.super }}
        <link href="{% static 'dam_inventory/css/map.css' %}" rel="stylesheet"/>
    {% endblock %}
  3. Save your changes to map.css and home.html and refresh the page to view the changes. The map should fill the content area now. Notice how the map dynamically resizes if the screen size changes.


Don't forget the {{ block.super }}! The {{ block.super }} statement loads all previously loaded styles in this block. If you forget the {{ block.super }}, it will result in a broken page with no styles applied.

7. Create a New Page

Creating a new page in your app consists of three steps: (1) create a new template, (2) add a new controller to, and (3) define the routing using the controller decorator.

  1. Create a new file /templates/dam_inventory/add_dam.html and add the following contents:

    {% extends "dam_inventory/base.html" %}

    This is the simplest template you can create in a Tethys app, which amounts to a blank Tethys app page. You must still extend the base.html to retain the styling of an app page.

  2. Create a new controller function called add_dam at the bottom of the

    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
        context = {}
        return render(request, 'dam_inventory/add_dam.html', context)

    This is the most basic controller function you can write: a function that accepts an argument called request and a return value that is the result of the render function. The render function renders the Django template into valid HTML using the request and context provided.

    Notice the use of the url argument in the controller decorator. The controller decorator creates a route that maps a URL to this controller function. The default URL that would have been generated without this argument would have been 'add-dam'. The url argument is used to provide a custom URL for a controller. URLs are defined relative to the root URL of the app. The full URL for the add_dam controller as shown above is '/apps/dam-inventory/dams/add/'. Also note that the name of the route created by the controller decorator is, by default, the same as the function name (add_dam). The name of the route will be important when we need to reference it in a template.

  3. At this point you should be able to access the new page by entering its URL (http://localhost:8000/apps/dam-inventory/dams/add/) into the address bar of your browser. It is not a very exciting page, because it is blank.


    New Page Pattern: Adding new pages is an exercise of the Model View Controller pattern. Generally, the steps are:

    • Modify the model as necessary to support the data for the new page

    • Create a new HTML template

    • Create a new controller function

9. Build Out New Page

  1. Modify the template/dam_inventory/add_dam.html with a title in the app content area and add Add and Cancel buttons to the app actions area:

    {% extends "dam_inventory/base.html" %}
    {% load tethys_gizmos %}
    {% block app_content %}
    <h1>Add Dam</h1>
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_actions %}
    {% gizmo cancel_button %}
    {% gizmo add_button %}
    {% endblock %}
  2. Define the options for the Add and Cancel button gizmos in the add_dam controller in Also add the variables to the context so they are available to the template:

    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
        add_button = Button(
        cancel_button = Button(
        context = {
            'add_button': add_button,
            'cancel_button': cancel_button,
        return render(request, 'dam_inventory/add_dam.html', context)

10. Customize Navigation

Now that there are two pages in the app, we should modify the app navigation to have links to the Home and Add Dam pages.

  1. Open /templates/dam_inventory/base.html and replace the app_navigation_items block:

    {% block app_navigation_items %}
    <li class="nav-item title">Navigation</li>
    <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" href="{% url 'dam_inventory:home' %}">Home</a></li>
    <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'dam_inventory:add_dam' %}">Add Dam</a></li>
    {% endblock %}

    Notice that the Home link in the app navigation is always highlighed, even if you are on the Add Dam page. The highlight is controlled by adding the active class to the appropriate navigation link. We can get the navigation to highlight appropriately using the following pattern.

  2. Modify app_navigation_items block in /templates/dam_inventory/base.html to dynamically highlight active link:

    {% block app_navigation_items %}
    {% url 'dam_inventory:home' as home_url %}
    {% url 'dam_inventory:add_dam' as add_dam_url %}
    <li class="nav-item title">Navigation</li>
    <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == home_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ home_url }}">Home</a></li>
    <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == add_dam_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ add_dam_url }}">Add Dam</a></li>
    {% endblock %}

    The url tag is used in templates to lookup URLs using the name of the route (as defined in by the controller decorator), namespaced by the app package name (i.e.: namespace:url_map_name). We assign the URLs to two variables, home_url and add_dam_url, using the as operator in the url tag. Then we wrap the active class of each navigation link in an if tag. If the expression given to an if tag evaluates to true, then the content of the if tag is rendered, otherwise it is left blank. In this case the result is that the active class is only added to link of the page we are visiting.

11. Solution

This concludes the Beginner Tutorial. You can view the solution on GitHub at or clone it as follows:

git clone
cd tethysapp-dam_inventory
git checkout -b beginner-solution beginner-4.2