services command

Manage Tethys Services.

usage: tethys services [-h] {remove,create,list} ...



Remove a Tethys Service.

tethys services remove [-h] {persistent,spatial,dataset,wps} ...



Remove a Persistent Store Service.

tethys services remove persistent [-h] [-f] service_uid
Positional Arguments

The ID or name of the Persistent Store Service that you are removing.

Named Arguments
-f, --force

Force removal without confirming.

Default: False


Remove a Spatial Dataset Service.

tethys services remove spatial [-h] [-f] service_uid
Positional Arguments

The ID or name of the Spatial Dataset Service that you are removing.

Named Arguments
-f, --force

Force removal without confirming.

Default: False


Remove a Dataset Service.

tethys services remove dataset [-h] [-f] service_uid
Positional Arguments

The ID or name of the Dataset Service that you are removing.

Named Arguments
-f, --force

Force removal without confirming.

Default: False


Remove a WPS Service.

tethys services remove wps [-h] [-f] service_uid
Positional Arguments

The ID or name of the WPS Service that you are removing.

Named Arguments
-f, --force

Force removal without confirming.

Default: False


Create a Tethys Service.

tethys services create [-h] {persistent,spatial,dataset,wps} ...



Create a Persistent Store Service.

tethys services create persistent [-h] -n NAME -c CONNECTION
Named Arguments
-n, --name

A unique name for the Service

-c, --connection

The connection of the Service in the form "<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>"


Create a Spatial Dataset Service.

tethys services create spatial [-h] -n NAME [-t {GeoServer,THREDDS}]
                               -c CONNECTION [-p PUBLIC_ENDPOINT] [-k APIKEY]
Named Arguments
-n, --name

A unique name for the Service

-t, --type

Possible choices: GeoServer, THREDDS

Type of spatial dataset service being created (GeoServer/THREDDS).

Default: 'GeoServer'

-c, --connection

The connection of the Service in the form "<username>:<password>@<protocol>//<host>:<port>"

-p, --public-endpoint

The public-facing endpoint, if different than what was provided with the --connection argument, of the form "<host>:<port>"

-k, --apikey

The API key, if any, required to establish a connection.


Create a CKAN/HydroShare Dataset Service.

tethys services create dataset [-h] -n NAME -t {CKAN,HydroShare} -c CONNECTION
                               [-p PUBLIC_ENDPOINT] [-k APIKEY]
Named Arguments
-n, --name

A unique name for the Service

-t, --type

Possible choices: CKAN, HydroShare

Type of dataset service being created (CKAN/HydroShare).

-c, --connection

The connection of the Service in the form "<username>:<password>@<protocol>//<host>:<port>"

-p, --public-endpoint

The public-facing endpoint, if different than what was provided with the --connection argument, of the form "<host>:<port>"

-k, --apikey

The API key, if any, required to establish a connection.


Create a Web Processing Service.

tethys services create wps [-h] -n NAME -c CONNECTION
Named Arguments
-n, --name

A unique name for the Service

-c, --connection

The connection of the Service in the form "<username>:<password>@<protocol>//<host>:<port>"


List all existing Tethys Services.

tethys services list [-h] [-p | -s | -d | -w]

Named Arguments

-p, --persistent

Only list Persistent Store Services.

Default: False

-s, --spatial

Only list Spatial Dataset Services.

Default: False

-d, --dataset

Only list Dataset Services.

Default: False

-w, --wps

Only list Web Processing Services.

Default: False