Dask Job Type

Last Updated: January 2022


This feature requires the dask and tethys_dask_scheduler libraries to be installed. Starting with Tethys 5.0 or if you are using micro-tethys-platform, you will need to install these libraries using conda or pip as follows:

# conda: conda-forge channel strongly recommended
conda install -c conda-forge dask tethys_dask_scheduler

# pip
pip install dask tethys_dask_scheduler

A Dask Job Type wraps Dask functionality in a Tethys Jobs interface. The Tethys Dask Job type supports two different Dask APIs for creating Dask Tasks: dask.delayed and dask.distributed.

Dask Delayed

For the dask.delayed API, simply import the delayed and call it with the target_function, followed by a second call operator containing the arguments to pass to the target_function.

The result will be a dask.Delayed instance and can be passed to subsequent delayed calls. See the Dask Delayed documentation for more details.

In the example below, we create a function that builds our delayed style job The function returns the final dask.Delayed object, which will be used by the Dask Job:

import dask

# Delayed Job
def delayed_job():
    output = []
    for x in range(3):
        a = dask.delayed(foo, pure=False)(x)
        b = dask.delayed(bar, pure=False)(x)
        c = dask.delayed(baz, pure=False)(a, b)
    return dask.delayed(sum_up, pure=False)(output)


Do use dask.delayed or dask.distributed directly in a file containing Django imports, such as a controller or model file. This will produce confusing errors. Instead, define functions that build the Dask jobs in a separate file and call those functions in controllers.

The example below shows the pattern used to create Dask Jobs using the dask.delayed API:

from tethysapp.my_first_app.job_functions import delayed_job
from .app import App

# 1. Get a Dask Scheduler
scheduler = App.get_scheduler(name='dask_primary')

# 2. Get job manager for this app
job_manager = App.get_job_manager()

# 3. Call function that builds the ``dask.delayed`` job, returning one ``dask.Delayed`` object
delayed = delayed_job()

# 4. Use job manager to create dask job
dask = job_manager.create_job(

# 5. Call the ``DaskJob.execute`` method, giving it the ``dask.Delayed`` object


dask.delayed style jobs do not begin processing until the DaskJob.execute method is called.

Dask Distributed

For dask.distributed API, use the dask.distributed.Client.submit method to submit tasks to the distributed cluster. Call submit with target_function, as the first argument, followed by any number of args and kwargs to pass to the target_function.

The submit method submits the job immediately and returns a dask.distributed.Future instance. The Future instance can be passed as an argument to subsequent submit calls. See the Dask Futures documentation for more details.

In the example below, we create a function that builds a dask.distributed style job. The function takes as an argument a dask.distributed.Client instance and returns the final dask.distributed.Future object which will be used by the Dask Job.

import dask

# Distributed Job
def distributed_job(client):
    output = []
    for x in range(3):
        a = client.submit(foo, x, pure=False)
        b = client.submit(bar, x, pure=False)
        c = client.submit(baz, a, b, pure=False)
    return client.submit(sum_up, output)

The example below shows the pattern used to create Dask Jobs using the dask.distributed API. The dask.distributed.Client that is needed for distributed type jobs can be retrieved from any Dask Scheduler object. This example also illustrates how to use a custom process_results_function, which is valid for any type of Tethys Job:

from tethysapp.my_first_app.job_functions import distributed_job, convert_to_dollar_sign
from .app import App

# 1. Get a Dask Scheduler
scheduler = App.get_scheduler(name='dask_primary')

# 2. Get job manager for this app
job_manager = App.get_job_manager()

# 3. Get the dask.distributed.Client instance from the scheduler
    client = scheduler.client
except DaskJobException:
    return redirect(reverse('dask_tutorial:error_message'))

# 4. Call function that builds the dask.distributed job, returning one dask.distributed.Future object
future = distributed_job(client)

# 5. Use job manager to create Dask Job
dask = job_manager.create_job(

# 6. Assign custom process results function (valid for any type of job, not just distributed jobs)
dask.process_results_function = convert_to_dollar_sign

# 7. Call the DaskJob.execute method, giving it the dask.distributed.Future object


dask.distributed style jobs begin processing as soon as dask.distributed.Client.submit is called, not when DaskJob.execute is called.

Multiple Leaf Jobs

Frequently, Dask job tree end with multiple nodes, rather than a single node as illustrated above. This results in multiple dask.distributed.Future or dask.Delayed objects that need to be tracked. This section shows one strategy that can be used to track multi-leaf jobs using the Tethys Dask Job.

In the example below, we create a function that is almost identical to the dask.distributed example, but the aggregation step (sum function call) is omitted, resulting in a list of Future objects, rather than just one as before.

import dask

# Multiple Leaf Distributed Job
def muliple_leaf_job(client):
    output = []
    for x in range(3):
        a = client.submit(foo, x, pure=False)
        b = client.submit(bar, x, pure=False)
        c = client.submit(baz, a, b, pure=False)
    return output

The following example shows how to create multiple Dask Jobs to tracke a multi-leaf job:

from tethysapp.my_first_app.job_functions import muliple_leaf_job
from .app import App

# 1. Get a Dask Scheduler
scheduler = App.get_scheduler(name='dask_primary')

# 2. Get job manager for this app
job_manager = App.get_job_manager()

# 3. Get the dask.distributed.Client instance from the scheduler
    client = scheduler.client
except DaskJobException:
    return redirect(reverse('dask_tutorial:error_message'))

# 4. Call function that builds the dask.distributed job, returning multiple dask.distributed.Future objects
futures = multiple_leaf_job(client)

# 5. Iterate through the list of futures, creating a new DaskJob for each one and calling DaskJob.execute on it.
i = random.randint(1, 10000)

for future in futures:
    i += 1
    name = 'dask_leaf' + str(i)
    dask = job_manager.create_job(


This strategy can be used for both the dask.delayed and dask.distributed approaches.


The result of a Dask job is serialized and stored in the database by default. To retrieve results stored in the database, get the Dask Job instance and call it's result property:

# Get job
job = job_manager.get_job(job_id=job_id)

# Get result
result = dask_job.result

This behavior may be overridden in two ways:

  1. Provide a custom process_results_function. For example, this could be used to write the results to a file, instead:

    dask = job_manager.create_job(
    dask.process_results_function = custom_processing_function
  2. Set the forget property of the Dask Job to True. The results will not be retrieved or saved when forget is True:

    dask = job_manager.create_job(


If the custom process_results_function returns anything, it will be serialized and stored in the results field.

API Documentation

class tethys_sdk.jobs.DaskJob(*args, **kwargs)

Dask job type.