Experimental Static Resources

Last Updated: May 2022

Starting in Tethys 4, the Tethys SDK includes experimental static resources (CSS and JavaScript) that can be used in apps. This document provides a short description of each of these resources.


Some of these resources may be repurposed as Gizmos in the future or may go away entirely. Use at your own risk.


Use the CSS resources to apply different styles to your app or provide additional functionality.


Use this stylesheet to apply a flat style to the navigation pane in Tethys Apps.

To use this stylesheet add the following to base.html in the styles block:

{% load static %}

{% block styles %}
   {{ block.super }}
    <link href="{% static 'tethys_sdk/css/flat_nav.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endblock %}

Also, add these lines to your main.css but replace <app_color> with the theme color of your app:


#app-content-wrapper #app-content #app-navigation .nav li.active a {
    color: <app_color>!important;
    box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 <app_color>!important;


Use this stylesheet to apply a flat style to range slider elements.

To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the styles block:

{% load static %}

{% block styles %}
   {{ block.super }}
    <link href="{% static 'tethys_sdk/css/flat_slider.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endblock %}

Then add the flat-slider slider class to any range inputs:

<input type="range" class="flat-slider" id="volume" name="volume" min="0" max="100" step="1">


Use this stylesheet to style checkboxes and radio controls with a flat style.

To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the styles block:

{% load static %}

{% block styles %}
   {{ block.super }}
    <link href="{% static 'tethys_sdk/css/flatmark.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endblock %}

To use, apply the flatmark, checkmark, and checkbox classes and the following HTML structure:

<label class="flatmark"><span>Item 1</span>
    <input type="checkbox" checked>
    <span class="checkmark checkbox"></span>
<label class="flatmark"><span>Item 2</span>
    <input type="checkbox">
    <span class="checkmark checkbox"></span>

Radio controls can be built as follows:

<label class="flatmark"><span>Option 1</span>
    <input type="radio" checked name="radio-group-1">
    <span class="checkmark radio"></span>
<label class="radio"><span>Option 2</span>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-group-1">
    <span class="checkmark radio"></span>


Use this stylesheet to make the app navigation wider than the default (400px to be exact).

To use this stylesheet add the following to base.html in the styles block:

{% load static %}

{% block styles %}
   {{ block.super }}
    <link href="{% static 'tethys_sdk/css/wide_nav.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endblock %}


Alternatively, you may use the wide_nav.css as a guide for creating your own stylesheet with a custom width. Copy the file into your app and then replace all of the 400px values with the desired width and the 415px value with <your_width> + 15px.



Use this script to check if the web browser is Internet Explorer and display a warning message in an alert box that indicates the app does not support Internet Explorer. The exact message displayed is: "This app does not support Internet Explorer. Please switch to another browser."

To use this script add the following to base.html in the scripts block:

{% load static %}

{% block scripts %}
   {{ block.super }}
   <script src="{% static 'tethys_sdk/js/check_ie.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endblock %}


This script provides collapse_section() and expand_section() methods that can be used to collapse and expand aribtrary elements with smooth animation.

To use this script add the following to base.html in the global_scripts block:

{% load static %}

{% block global_scripts %}
   {{ block.super }}
   <script src="{% static 'tethys_sdk/js/collapse.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endblock %}

Then call the functions in your JavaScript:

let element = $('#some-element-id');


This script provides a get_csrf_token() function that retrieves the value of the CSRF token generated by Django from the cookie that it is stored in.

To use this script add the following to base.html in the global_scripts block:

{% load static %}

{% block global_scripts %}
   {{ block.super }}
   <script src="{% static 'tethys_sdk/js/csrf.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endblock %}

Then use the get_csrf_token() function in your JavaScript AJAX requests:

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/apps/my-first-app/some-url',
    data: {some: 'data'},
    beforeSend: xhr => {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken',  get_csrf_token());
}).done(function(data) {
    // Do stuff with the result


This script provides several utility functions that can be used to simplify your JavaScript. The utility functions included are:

  • contains(str, sub): Test if a substring (sub) is contained in a string (str). Returns a boolean.

  • in_array(item, array): Test if given item is in the given array. Returns a boolean.

  • is_defined(variable): Safely test if given variable is defined. Retruns a boolean.

  • to_title_case(str): Change case of given string to title case. Returns title case string.

  • var_to_title_case(str): Replace underscores with spaces, then convert to title case (e.g.: "some_var_name" -> "Some Var Name". Returns title case string.

  • compute_center(features): Compute the center of the given array of OpenLayers ol.Features or ol.geom.Geometry. Suported geometries include Point, LineString, Polygon, and MultiPolygon. Returns an ol.geom.Point. Requires OpenLayers to be loaded.

  • copy_text_to_clipboard(text): Add given text to the clipboard.

  • convert_utc_to_local(identifier): Convert UTC date times to local time. Specify CSS selector for identifier of the elements that have the datetimes as their innerText. The innerText will be replaced with local time. If multiple elements selected, they will all be updated.

  • format_output_time(date): Format the given Date object to MMM DD YYYY HH:MM AM/PM.

To use this script add the following to base.html in the global_scripts block:

{% load static %}

{% block global_scripts %}
   {{ block.super }}
   <script src="{% static 'tethys_sdk/js/utilities.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endblock %}


The global_scripts tag is ideal for libraries containing functions that are needed by other JavaScript modules. Place JavaScript that executes on page load or manipulates page content in the scripts block.