schedulers command

Manage job schedulers.

usage: tethys schedulers [-h] {create-condor,create-dask,list,remove} ...



Possible choices: create-condor, create-dask, list, remove



Create a Condor Scheduler that can be accessed by Tethys Apps.

tethys schedulers create-condor [-h] -n NAME -e ENDPOINT [-o PORT] -u USERNAME
                                (-p PASSWORD | -f PRIVATE_KEY_PATH)
                                [-k PRIVATE_KEY_PASS]

Named Arguments

-n, --name

A unique name for the Condor Scheduler

-e, --endpoint

The endpoint (host) of the service in the form <protocol>//<host>

-o, --port

The port of the service endpoint

Default: 22

-u, --username

The username to connect to the host with

-p, --password

The password associated with the provided username

-f, --private-key-path

The path to the private ssh key file

-k, --private-key-pass

The password to the private ssh key file


Create a Dask Scheduler that can be accessed by Tethys Apps.

tethys schedulers create-dask [-h] -n NAME -e ENDPOINT [-t TIMEOUT]
                              [-b HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL] [-d DASHBOARD]

Named Arguments

-n, --name

A unique name for the Condor Scheduler

-e, --endpoint

The endpoint of the service in the form <protocol>//<host>"

-t, --timeout

The timeout value of the Dask Job

-b, --heartbeat-interval

The heartbeat interval value of the Dask Job

-d, --dashboard

The dashboard type of a DaskJob


List the existing Schedulers.

tethys schedulers list [-h] -t TYPE

Named Arguments

-t, --type

input: Condor or Dask (List Condor or Dask type)


Remove a Scheduler.

tethys schedulers remove [-h] [-f] scheduler_name

Positional Arguments


The unique name of the Scheduler that you are removing.

Named Arguments

-f, --force

Force removal without confirming.

Default: False