Using Docker

To facilitate leveraging the full capabilities of Tethys Platform, Docker containers are provided to allow the Software Suite to be easily installed. To use these containers you must first install Docker. The Tethys installation script will support installing the community edition of Docker on several Linux distributions. To install Docker when installing Tethys add the --install-docker option. You can also add the --docker-options options to pass options to the tethys docker init command (see the docker command documentation).

To install Docker on other systems or to install the enterprise edition of Docker please refer to the Docker installation documentation

Use the following Tethys command to start the Docker containers.

tethys docker start

You are now ready to link your Tethys Portal with the Docker containers using the web admin interface. Follow the Web Admin Setup tutorial to finish setting up your Tethys Platform.

If you would like to test the Docker containers, see Test Docker Containers.