Spatial Persistent Stores API

Last Updated: May 2017


This feature requires the psycopg2, sqlalchmey, and geoalchemy2 libraries to be installed. Starting with Tethys 5.0 or if you are using `micro-tethys-platform, you will need to install these libraries using conda or pip as follows:

# conda: conda-forge channel strongly recommended
conda install -c conda-forge psycopg2 "sqlalchemy<2" geoalchemy2

# pip
pip install psycopg2 "sqlalchemy<2" geoalchemy2

Persistent store databases can support spatial data types. The spatial capabilities are provided by the PostGIS extension for the PostgreSQL database. PostGIS extends the column types of PostgreSQL databases by adding geometry, geography, and raster types. PostGIS also provides hundreds of database functions that can be used to perform spatial operations on data stored in spatial columns. For more information on PostGIS, see

The following article details the the spatial capabilities of persistent stores in Tethys Platform. This article builds on the concepts and ideas introduced in the Persistent Stores API documentation. Please review it before continuing.

Spatial Persistent Store Settings

Registering spatially enabled persistent stores is the same process as registering normal persistent stores. The only difference is that you will set the spatial attribute of the PersistentStoreDatabaseSetting object to True:

from tethys_sdk.base import TethysAppBase
from tethys_sdk.app_settings import PersistentStoreDatabaseSetting

class MyFirstApp(TethysAppBase):
    Tethys App Class for My First App.

    def persistent_store_settings(self):
        ps_settings = (
                description='Primary spatially enabled database for my_first_app.',

        return ps_settings


The ellipsis in the code block above indicates code that is not shown for brevity. DO NOT COPY VERBATIM.

Adding Spatial Columns to Model

Working with the raster, geometry, and geography column types provided by PostGIS is not supported natively in SQLAlchemy. Tethys Platform includes GeoAlchemy2, which extends SQLAlchemy to support spatial columns and database functions. The following example illustrates how a data model could be developed using SQLAlchemy and GeoAlchemy2:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry

# Spatial DB Engine, sessiomaker, and base
Base = declarative_base()

# SQLAlchemy ORM definition for the spatial_stream_gages table
class SpatialStreamGage(Base):
    Example of SQLAlchemy spatial DB model
    __tablename__ = 'stream_gages'

    # Columns
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    value = Column(Integer)
    geometry = Column(Geometry('POINT'))

    def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, value):
        Constructor for a gage
        self.geometry = 'SRID=4326;POINT({0} {1})'.format(longitude, latitude)
        self.value = value

This data model is very similar to the data model defined in the Persistent Stores API documentation. Rather than using Float columns to store the latitude and longitude coordinates, the spatial data model uses a GeoAlchemy2 Geometry column called "geometry". Notice that the constructor ( takes the latitude and longitude provided and sets the value of the geometry column to a string with a special format called Well Known Text. This is a common pattern when working with GeoAlchemy2 columns.

Initialization Function

Initializing spatial persistent stores is performed in exactly the same way as normal persistent stores. An initialization function for the example above, would look like this:

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from .model import Base, SpatialStreamGage

def init_spatial_db(engine, first_time):
    An example persistent store initializer function
    # Create tables

    # Initial data
    if first_time:
        # Make session
        SessionMaker = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
        session = SessionMaker()

        # Gage 1
        gage1 = SpatialStreamGage(


        # Gage 2
        gage2 = SpatialStreamGage(



Using Spatial Database Functions

One of the major advantages of storing spatial data in PostGIS is that the data is exposed to spatial querying. PostGIS includes over 400 database functions (not counting variants) that can be used to perform spatial operations on the data stored in the database. Refer to the Geometry Function Reference and the Raster Function Reference in the PostGIS documentation for more details.

GeoAlchemy2 makes it easy to use the spatial functions provided by PostGIS to perform spatial queries. For example, the ST_Contains function can be used to determine if one geometry is contained inside another geometry. To perform this operation on the spatial stream gage model would look something like this:

from sqlalchemy import func
from .model import SpatialStreamGage, SpatialSessionMaker

session = SpatialSessionMaker()
query = session.query(SpatialStreamGage).filter(
            func.ST_Contains('POLYGON((0 0,0 1,1 1,0 1,0 0))', SpatialStreamGage.geom)


This article only briefly introduces the concepts of working with GeoAlchemy2. It is highly recommended that you complete the GeoAlchemy ORM tutorial.