Advanced Concepts

Last Updated: July 2024

This tutorial introduces advanced concepts for Tethys developers. The topics covered include:

  • Tethys Services API

  • PersistentStores API

  • Permissions API

  • Advanced HTML Forms - File Upload

  • Plotting Gizmos


0. Start From Intermediate Solution (Optional)

If you wish to use the intermediate solution as a starting point:

git clone
cd tethysapp-dam_inventory
git checkout -b intermediate-solution intermediate-0.1

1. Install PostgreSQL with PostGIS

The peristent store API currently only works with the PostgreSQL databases. However, the default installation of Tethys Platform uses SQLite as the database backend. In this section you will reconfigure your Tethys installation to use a PostgreSQL database instead of SQLite. There are many ways to install PostgreSQL, but for this tutorial you will learn how to install PostgreSQL using Docker.

  1. Install PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS extension using Docker:

    1. Install Docker Desktop or Docker Engine.

    2. Open a terminal and run the following command to create a new PostgreSQL with PostGIS Docker container:

    docker run -d --name tethys_postgis -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 postgis/postgis
    1. Verify in Docker desktop that you have a new container running with the name "tethys_postgis" on port 5432 (5432:5432).

  2. Add necessary Python dependencies:

    To use the PostgreSQL database you need to install the psycopg2 library. Install it using one of the following commands:

    # conda: conda-forge channel strongly recommended
    conda install -c conda-forge psycopg2
    # pip
    pip install psycopg2
  3. Configure Tethys to use PostgreSQL database:

    1. Stop the Tethys development server if it is running by pressing CTRL-C in the terminal.

    2. Configure the Tethys Portal to use the new Docker database using the tethys settings command:

    tethys settings --set DATABASES.default.ENGINE django.db.backends.postgresql --set DATABASES.default.NAME tethys_platform --set DATABASES.default.USER tethys_default --set DATABASES.default.PASSWORD pass --set DATABASES.default.HOST localhost --set DATABASES.default.PORT 5432
    1. Run the tethys db configure command to prepare the database for use by the Tethys portal:

    PGPASSWORD=mysecretpassword tethys db configure

    The default password for the postgis/postgis container is "mysecretpassword". If you changed it, you will need to replace it in the command above.

    1. Start Tethys the development server (tethys manage start) and verify that the app is still working.


You will now need to start the "tethys_postgis" container each time you want to start the Tethys development server. You can do this using the Docker Desktop application or by running the following command:

docker start tethys_postgis

2. Persistent Store Database

In the Intermediate Concepts tutorial we implemented a file-based database as the persisting mechanism for the app. However, simple file based databases typically don't perform well in a web application environment, because of the possibility of many concurrent requests trying to access the file. In this section we'll refactor the Model to use an SQL database, rather than files.

  1. Add necessary dependencies:

Persistent stores is an optional feature in Tethys, and requires that the sqlalchemy<2 and psycopg2 libraries are installed. Install these libraries using one of the following commands:

# conda: conda-forge channel strongly recommended
conda install -c conda-forge "sqlalchemy<2" psycopg2

# pip
pip install "sqlalchemy<2" psycopg2

Now add the new dependencies to your install.yml as follows so that the app will work when installed in a new environment:

# This file should be committed to your app code.
version: 1.1
# This should be greater or equal to your tethys-platform in your environment
tethys_version: ">=4.0.0"
# This should match the app - package name in your
name: dam_inventory

# Putting in a skip true param will skip the entire section. Ignoring the option will assume it be set to False
skip: false
    - conda-forge
    - sqlalchemy<2
    - psycopg2



  1. Open the and define a new PersistentStoreDatabaseSetting by adding the persistent_store_settings method to your app class:

    from tethys_sdk.app_settings import PersistentStoreDatabaseSetting
    class App(TethysAppBase):
        Tethys app class for Dam Inventory.
        def persistent_store_settings(self):
            Define Persistent Store Settings.
            ps_settings = (
                    description='primary database',
            return ps_settings

Tethys provides the library SQLAlchemy as an interface with SQL databases. SQLAlchemy provides an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) API, which allows data models to be defined using Python and an object-oriented approach. With SQLAlchemy, you can harness the power of SQL databases without writing SQL. As a primer to SQLAlchemy ORM, we highly recommend you complete the Object Relational Tutorial.

  1. Define a table called dams by creating a new class in called Dam:

    import json
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Float, String
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    from .app import App
    Base = declarative_base()
    # SQLAlchemy ORM definition for the dams table
    class Dam(Base):
        SQLAlchemy Dam DB Model
        __tablename__ = 'dams'
        # Columns
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        latitude = Column(Float)
        longitude = Column(Float)
        name = Column(String)
        owner = Column(String)
        river = Column(String)
        date_built = Column(String)


    SQLAlchemy Data Models: Each class in an SQLAlchemy data model defines a table in the database. The model you defined above consists of a single table called "dams", as denoted by the __tablename__ property of the Dam class. The Dam class inherits from a Base class that we created in the previous lines from the declarative_base function. This inheritance notifies SQLAlchemy that the Dam class is part of the data model.

    The class defines seven other properties that are instances of SQLAlchemy Column class: id, latitude, longitude, name, owner, river, date_built. These properties define the columns of the "dams" table. The column type and options are defined by the arguments passed to the Column class. For example, the latitude column is of type Float while the id column is of type Integer. The id column is flagged as the primary key for the table. IDs will be generated for each object when they are committed.

    This class is not only used to define the tables for your persistent store, it is also used to create new entries and query the database.

    For more information on Persistent Stores, see: Persistent Stores API.

  2. Replace the add_new_dam and get_all_dams functions in with versions that use the SQL database instead of the files:

    def add_new_dam(location, name, owner, river, date_built):
        Persist new dam.
        # Convert GeoJSON to Python dictionary
        location_dict = json.loads(location)
        location_geometry = location_dict['geometries'][0]
        longitude = location_geometry['coordinates'][0]
        latitude = location_geometry['coordinates'][1]
        # Create new Dam record
        new_dam = Dam(
        # Get connection/session to database
        Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
        session = Session()
        # Add the new dam record to the session
        # Commit the session and close the connection
    def get_all_dams():
        Get all persisted dams.
        # Get connection/session to database
        Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
        session = Session()
        # Query for all dam records
        dams = session.query(Dam).all()
        return dams


    Don't forget to close your session objects when you are done. Eventually you will run out of connections to the database if you don't, which will cause unsightly errors.

  3. Create a new function called init_primary_db at the bottom of This function is used to initialize the database by creating the tables and adding any initial data.

    def init_primary_db(engine, first_time):
        Initializer for the primary database.
        # Create all the tables
        # Add data
        if first_time:
            # Make session
            Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
            session = Session()
            # Initialize database with two dams
            dam1 = Dam(
                name="Deer Creek",
                river="Provo River",
                date_built="April 12, 1993"
            dam2 = Dam(
                river="Provo River",
            # Add the dams to the session, commit, and close
  4. Refactor HomeMap controller in to use the updated model methods:

    class HomeMap(MapLayout):
        app = App
        base_template = f'{App.package}/base.html'
        map_title = 'Dam Inventory'
        map_subtitle = 'Tutorial'
        basemaps = ['OpenStreetMap', 'ESRI']
        show_properties_popup = True
        def compose_layers(self, request, map_view, *args, **kwargs):
            # Get list of dams and create dams MVLayer:
            dams = get_all_dams()
            features = []
            # Define GeoJSON Features
            for dam in dams:
                dam_feature = {
                    'type': 'Feature',
                    'geometry': {
                        'type': 'Point',
                        'coordinates': [dam.longitude, dam.latitude],
                    'properties': {
                        'owner': dam.owner,
                        'river': dam.river,
                        'date_built': dam.date_built
  5. Refactor the add_dam controller to use the updated model methods:

    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
        # Default Values
        name = ''
        owner = 'Reclamation'
        river = ''
        date_built = ''
        location = ''
        # Errors
        name_error = ''
        owner_error = ''
        river_error = ''
        date_error = ''
        location_error = ''
        # Handle form submission
        if request.POST and 'add-button' in request.POST:
            # Get values
            has_errors = False
            name = request.POST.get('name', None)
            owner = request.POST.get('owner', None)
            river = request.POST.get('river', None)
            date_built = request.POST.get('date-built', None)
            location = request.POST.get('geometry', None)
            # Validate
            if not name:
                has_errors = True
                name_error = 'Name is required.'
            if not owner:
                has_errors = True
                owner_error = 'Owner is required.'
            if not river:
                has_errors = True
                river_error = 'River is required.'
            if not date_built:
                has_errors = True
                date_error = 'Date Built is required.'
            if not location:
                has_errors = True
                location_error = 'Location is required.'
            if not has_errors:
                return App.redirect(App.reverse('home'))
            messages.error(request, "Please fix errors.")
  6. Refactor the list_dams controller to use updated model methods:

    @controller(name='dams', url='dams')
    def list_dams(request):
        Show all dams in a table view.
        dams = get_all_dams()
        table_rows = []
        for dam in dams:
          , dam.owner,
                    dam.river, dam.date_built
  7. Remove references to workspace in build_map_extent_and_view method:

def build_map_extent_and_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    Builds the default MVView and BBOX extent for the map.

        MVView, 4-list<float>: default view and extent of the project.
    dams = get_all_dams()
    extent = self.compute_dams_extent(dams)

  1. Refactor the compute_dams_extent method to use updated model methods:

def compute_dams_extent(self, dams):
    """Compute the extent/bbox of the given dams."""
    lat_list = []
    lng_list = []

    # Define GeoJSON Features
    for dam in dams:

  1. Add a Persistent Store Service to Tethys Portal:

    1. Go to Tethys Portal Home in a web browser (e.g. http://localhost:8000/apps/)

    2. Select Site Admin from the drop down next to your username.

    3. Scroll down to the Tethys Services section and select Persistent Store Services link.

    4. Click on the Add Persistent Store Service button.

    5. Give the Persistent Store Service any name and fill out the connection information.

    6. Press Save to create the new Persistent Store Service.



The username and password for the persistent store service must be a user with permissions to create databases to use spatial persistent stores. The tethys db configure command creates a superuser named "tethys_super", password: "pass".

  1. Assign the new Persistent Store Service to the Dam Inventory App:

    1. Go to Tethys Portal Home in a web browser (e.g. http://localhost:8000/apps/)

    2. Select Site Admin from the drop down next to your username.

    3. Scroll down to the Tethys Apps section and select the Installed App link.

    4. Select the Dam Inventory link.

    5. Scroll down to the Persistent Store Database Settings section.

    6. Assign the Persistent Store Service that you created in Step 4 to the primary_db setting.

    7. Press Save to save the settings.

  1. Execute the syncstores command to create the tables in the Persistent Store database:

    tethys syncstores dam_inventory

3. Use Custom Settings

In the Beginner Concepts tutorial, we created a custom setting named max_dams. In this section, we'll show you how to use the custom setting in one of your controllers.

  1. Modify the add_dam controller, such that it won't add a new dam if the max_dams limit has been reached:

    from .model import Dam
    from .app import App
    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
        # Default Values
        name = ''
        owner = 'Reclamation'
        river = ''
        date_built = ''
        location = ''
        # Errors
        name_error = ''
        owner_error = ''
        river_error = ''
        date_error = ''
        location_error = ''
        # Handle form submission
        if request.POST and 'add-button' in request.POST:
            # Get values
            has_errors = False
            name = request.POST.get('name', None)
            owner = request.POST.get('owner', None)
            river = request.POST.get('river', None)
            date_built = request.POST.get('date-built', None)
            location = request.POST.get('geometry', None)
            # Validate
            if not name:
                has_errors = True
                name_error = 'Name is required.'
            if not owner:
                has_errors = True
                owner_error = 'Owner is required.'
            if not river:
                has_errors = True
                river_error = 'River is required.'
            if not date_built:
                has_errors = True
                date_error = 'Date Built is required.'
            if not location:
                has_errors = True
                location_error = 'Location is required.'
            if not has_errors:
                # Get value of max_dams custom setting
                max_dams = App.get_custom_setting('max_dams')
                # Query database for count of dams
                Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
                session = Session()
                num_dams = session.query(Dam).count()
                # Only add the dam if custom setting doesn't exist or we have not exceed max_dams
                if not max_dams or num_dams < max_dams:
                    messages.warning(request, 'Unable to add dam "{0}", because the inventory is full.'.format(name))
                return App.redirect(reverse('home'))
            messages.error(request, "Please fix errors.")


    For more information on app settings, see App Settings API.

5. App Permissions

By default, any user logged into the app can access any part of it. You may want to restrict access to certain areas of the app to privileged users. This can be done using the Permissions API. Let's modify the app so that only admin users of the app can add dams to the app.

  1. Define permissions for the app by adding the permissions method to the app class in the

    from tethys_sdk.permissions import Permission, PermissionGroup
    class App(TethysAppBase):
        Tethys app class for Dam Inventory.
        def permissions(self):
            Define permissions for the app.
            add_dams = Permission(
                description='Add dams to inventory'
            admin = PermissionGroup(
            permissions = (admin,)
            return permissions
  2. Protect the Add Dam view with the add_dams permission by setting the permissions_required argument of the controller decorator:

    @controller(url='dams/add', permission_required='add_dams')
    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
  3. Add a context variable called can_add_dams to the context of each controller with the value of the return value of the has_permission function:

    from tethys_sdk.permissions import has_permission
    class HomeMap(MapLayout):
        app = App
        base_template = f'{App.package}/base.html'
        map_title = 'Dam Inventory'
        map_subtitle = 'Tutorial'
        basemaps = ['OpenStreetMap', 'ESRI']
        show_properties_popup = True
        def get_context(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs):
            # Add custom context variables
                'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams'),
            # Call the MapLayout get_context method to initialize the map view
            context = super().get_context(request, context, *args, **kwargs)
            return context
    @controller(url='dams/add', permission_required='add_dams')
    def add_dam(request):
        Controller for the Add Dam page.
        context = {
            'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams')
        return App.render(request, 'add_dam.html', context)
    @controller(name='dams', url='dams')
    def list_dams(request):
        Show all dams in a table view.
        context = {
            'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams')
        return App.render(request, 'list_dams.html', context)
  4. Use the can_add_dams variable to determine whether to show or hide the header button and navigation link to the Add Dam View in base.html:

    {% block header_buttons %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'home' as home_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'add_dam' as add_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'dams' as list_dam_url %}
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ home_url }}" title="Map"><i class="bi bi-map"></i></a>
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ list_dam_url }}" title="Dams"><i class="bi bi-list-ul"></i></a>
      {% if can_add_dams %}
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ add_dam_url }}" title="Add Dam"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle"></i></a>
      {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_navigation_items %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'home' as home_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'add_dam' as add_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'dams' as list_dam_url %}
      <li class="nav-item title">Navigation</li>
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == home_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ home_url }}">Home</a></li>
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == list_dam_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ list_dam_url }}">Dams</a></li>
      {% if can_add_dams %}
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == add_dam_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ add_dam_url }}">Add Dam</a></li>
      {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
  5. The admin user of Tethys is a superuser and has all permissions. To test the permissions, create two new users: one with the admin permissions group and one without it. Then login with these users:

    1. Go to Tethys Portal Home in a web browser (e.g. http://localhost:8000/apps/)

    2. Select Site Admin from the drop down next to your username.

    3. Scroll to the Authentication and Authorization section.

    4. Select the Users link.

    5. Press the Add User button.

    6. Enter "diadmin" as the username and enter a password. Take note of the password for later.

    7. Press the Save and continue editing button.

    8. Scroll down to the Groups section.

    9. Select the dam_inventory:admin group and press the right arrow to add the user to that group.

    10. Press the Save and add another button.

    11. Enter "diviewer" as the username and enter a password. Take note of the password for later. DO NOT add "diviewer" user to any groups.

    12. Press the Save button.

  6. Log in with each user account. If the permission has been applied correctly, "diviewer" should not be able to see the Add Dam link and should be redirected if the Add Dam view is linked to directly. "diadmin" should be able to add dams.


For more details on Permissions, see: Permissions API.

7. File Upload

CSV File Upload Create new page for uploading the hydrograph.

  1. New Model function

    def assign_hydrograph_to_dam(dam_id, hydrograph_file):
        Parse hydrograph file and add to database, assigning to appropriate dam.
        # Parse file
        hydro_points = []
            for line in hydrograph_file:
                line = line.decode('utf-8')
                sline = line.split(',')
                    time = int(sline[0])
                    flow = float(sline[1])
                    hydro_points.append(HydrographPoint(time=time, flow=flow))
                except ValueError:
            if len(hydro_points) > 0:
                Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
                session = Session()
                # Get dam object
                dam = session.query(Dam).get(int(dam_id))
                # Overwrite old hydrograph
                hydrograph = dam.hydrograph
                # Create new hydrograph if not assigned already
                if not hydrograph:
                    hydrograph = Hydrograph()
                    dam.hydrograph = hydrograph
                # Remove old points if any
                for hydro_point in hydrograph.points:
                # Assign points to hydrograph
                hydrograph.points = hydro_points
                # Persist to database
        except Exception as e:
            # Careful not to hide error. At the very least log it to the console
            return False
        return True
  2. New Template: assign_hydrograph.html

    {% extends tethys_app.package|add:"/base.html" %}
    {% load tethys %}
    {% block app_content %}
    <h1>Assign Hydrograph</h1>
    <p>Select a dam and a hydrograph file to assign to that dam. The file should be a csv with two columns: time (hours) and flow (cfs).</p>
    <form id="add-hydrograph-form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        {% csrf_token %}
        {% gizmo dam_select_input %}
        <div class="form-group{% if hydrograph_file_error %} has-error{% endif %}">
        <label class="control-label">Hydrograph File</label>
        <input type="file" name="hydrograph-file">
        {% if hydrograph_file_error %}<p class="help-block">{{ hydrograph_file_error }}</p>{% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_actions %}
    {% gizmo cancel_button %}
    {% gizmo add_button %}
    {% endblock %}
  3. New Controller

    from .model import assign_hydrograph_to_dam
    from .app import App
    def assign_hydrograph(request):
        Controller for the Add Hydrograph page.
        # Get dams from database
        Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
        session = Session()
        all_dams = session.query(Dam).all()
        # Defaults
        dam_select_options = [(, for dam in all_dams]
        selected_dam = None
        hydrograph_file = None
        # Errors
        dam_select_errors = ''
        hydrograph_file_error = ''
        # Case where the form has been submitted
        if request.POST and 'add-button' in request.POST:
            # Get Values
            has_errors = False
            selected_dam = request.POST.get('dam-select', None)
            if not selected_dam:
                has_errors = True
                dam_select_errors = 'Dam is Required.'
            # Get File
            if request.FILES and 'hydrograph-file' in request.FILES:
                # Get a list of the files
                hydrograph_file = request.FILES.getlist('hydrograph-file')
            if not hydrograph_file and len(hydrograph_file) > 0:
                has_errors = True
                hydrograph_file_error = 'Hydrograph File is Required.'
            if not has_errors:
                # Process file here
                success = assign_hydrograph_to_dam(selected_dam, hydrograph_file[0])
                # Provide feedback to user
                if success:
          , 'Successfully assigned hydrograph.')
          , 'Unable to assign hydrograph. Please try again.')
                return App.redirect(App.reverse('home'))
            messages.error(request, "Please fix errors.")
        dam_select_input = SelectInput(
        add_button = Button(
            attributes={'form': 'add-hydrograph-form'},
        cancel_button = Button(
        context = {
            'dam_select_input': dam_select_input,
            'hydrograph_file_error': hydrograph_file_error,
            'add_button': add_button,
            'cancel_button': cancel_button,
            'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams')
        return App.render(request, 'assign_hydrograph.html', context)
  4. Update header buttons and navigation

    {% block header_buttons %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'home' as home_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'add_dam' as add_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'dams' as list_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'assign_hydrograph' as assign_hydrograph_url %}
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ home_url }}" title="Map"><i class="bi bi-map"></i></a>
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ list_dam_url }}" title="Dams"><i class="bi bi-list-ul"></i></a>
      {% if can_add_dams %}
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ add_dam_url }}" title="Add Dam"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle"></i></a>
      <div class="header-button glyphicon-button">
        <a href="{{ assign_hydrograph_url }}" title="Assign Hydrograph"><i class="bi bi-graph-up"></i></a>
      {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_navigation_items %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'home' as home_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'add_dam' as add_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'dams' as list_dam_url %}
      {% url tethys_app|url:'assign_hydrograph' as assign_hydrograph_url %}
      <li class="nav-item title">Navigation</li>
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == home_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ home_url }}">Home</a></li>
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == list_dam_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ list_dam_url }}">Dams</a></li>
      {% if can_add_dams %}
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == add_dam_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ add_dam_url }}">Add Dam</a></li>
      <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link{% if request.path == assign_hydrograph_url %} active{% endif %}" href="{{ assign_hydrograph_url }}">Assign Hydrograph</a></li>
      {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
  1. Test upload with these files:

8. URL Variables and Plotting

Create a new page with hydrograph plotted for selected Dam

  1. Add necessary dependencies:

    In order to plot the hydrograph, you will need to install the plotly library. Install this library using one of the following commands:

    # conda: conda-forge channel strongly recommended
    conda install -c conda-forge plotly
    # pip
    pip install plotly

    Now add the new dependencies to your install.yml as follows so that the app will work when installed in a new environment:

    # This file should be committed to your app code.
    version: 1.1
    # This should be greater or equal to your tethys-platform in your environment
    tethys_version: ">=4.0.0"
    # This should match the app - package name in your
    name: dam_inventory
    # Putting in a skip true param will skip the entire section. Ignoring the option will assume it be set to False
    skip: false
        - conda-forge
        - sqlalchemy<2
        - psycopg2
        - plotly
  2. Create Template hydrograph.html

    {% extends tethys_app.package|add:"/base.html" %}
    {% load tethys %}
    {% block app_navigation_items %}
    <li class="nav-item title">App Navigation</li>
    <li class="nav-item "><a class="nav-link" href="{% url tethys_app|url:'dams' %}">Back</a></li>
    {% endblock %}
    {% block app_content %}
    {% gizmo hydrograph_plot %}
    {% endblock %}
  3. Create

    from .app import App
    from .model import Hydrograph
    def create_hydrograph(hydrograph_id):
        Generates a plotly view of a hydrograph.
        # Get objects from database
        Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
        session = Session()
        hydrograph = session.query(Hydrograph).get(int(hydrograph_id))
        dam = hydrograph.dam
        time = []
        flow = []
        for hydro_point in hydrograph.points:
        # Build up Plotly plot
        data =[
                name=f'Hydrograph for {}',
                line={'color': '#0080ff', 'width': 4, 'shape': 'spline'},
        layout = {
            'title': f'Hydrograph for {}',
            'xaxis': {'title': 'Time (hr)'},
            'yaxis': {'title': 'Flow (cfs)'},
        return data, layout
  4. Create Controller

    from tethys_sdk.gizmos import PlotlyView
    from .helpers import create_hydrograph
    def hydrograph(request, hydrograph_id):
        Controller for the Hydrograph Page.
        data, layout = create_hydrograph(hydrograph_id)
        figure = {'data': data, 'layout': layout}
        hydrograph_plot = PlotlyView(figure, height="500px", width="100%")
        context = {
            'hydrograph_plot': hydrograph_plot,
            'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams')
        return App.render(request, 'hydrograph.html', context)


For more information about plotting in Tethys apps, see Plotly View, Bokeh View, and Plot View.

  1. Add get_hydrograph helper function to

    def get_hydrograph(dam_id):
        Get hydrograph id from dam id.
        Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
        session = Session()
        # Query if hydrograph exists for dam
        hydrograph = session.query(Hydrograph).filter_by(dam_id=dam_id).first()
        if hydrograph:
            return None
  2. Modify list_dams controller (and add needed imports):

    from django.utils.html import format_html
    from .model import get_hydrograph
    @controller(name='dams', url='dams')
    def list_dams(request):
        Show all dams in a table view.
        dams = get_all_dams()
        table_rows = []
        for dam in dams:
            hydrograph_id = get_hydrograph(
            if hydrograph_id:
                url = App.reverse('hydrograph', kwargs={'hydrograph_id': hydrograph_id})
                dam_hydrograph = format_html('<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{}">Hydrograph Plot</a>'.format(url))
                dam_hydrograph = format_html('<a class="btn btn-primary disabled" title="No hydrograph assigned" '
                                            'style="pointer-events: auto;">Hydrograph Plot</a>')
          , dam.owner,
                    dam.river, dam.date_built,
        dams_table = DataTableView(
            column_names=('Name', 'Owner', 'River', 'Date Built', 'Hydrograph'),
            lengthMenu=[[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
        context = {
            'dams_table': dams_table,
            'can_add_dams': has_permission(request, 'add_dams')
        return App.render(request, 'list_dams.html', context)
  3. Test by going to the Dams page and clicking on the new Hydrograph Plot button in the table for a dam that has already been assigned a hydrograph.

9. Dynamic Hydrograph Plot in Pop-Ups

Add Hydrographs plot button to map pop-ups.

  1. Update the HomeMap controller to include the hydrograph plot button in the pop-up:

    class HomeMap(MapLayout):
        app = App
        base_template = f'{App.package}/base.html'
        map_title = 'Dam Inventory'
        map_subtitle = 'Tutorial'
        basemaps = ['OpenStreetMap', 'ESRI']
        show_properties_popup = True
        plot_slide_sheet = True
        def get_plot_for_layer_feature(self, request, layer_name, feature_id, layer_data, feature_props, *args, **kwargs):
            Retrieves plot data for given feature on given layer.
                layer_name (str): Name/id of layer.
                feature_id (str): ID of feature.
                layer_data (dict): The dictionary.
                feature_props (dict): The properties of the selected feature.
                str, list<dict>, dict: plot title, data series, and layout options, respectively.
            Session = App.get_persistent_store_database('primary_db', as_sessionmaker=True)
            session = Session()
            dam = session.query(Dam).get(int(feature_id))
            if dam.hydrograph:
                data, layout = create_hydrograph(
                data, layout = [], {}
            return f'Hydrograph for {}', data, layout

10. Solution

This concludes the Advanced Tutorial. You can view the solution on GitHub at or clone it as follows:

git clone
cd tethysapp-dam_inventory
git checkout -b advanced-solution advanced-0.1