site command
Customize the theme and content of the Tethys Portal.
usage: tethys site [-h] [--site-title SITE_TITLE] [--favicon FAVICON]
[--brand-text BRAND_TEXT] [--brand-image BRAND_IMAGE]
[--brand-image-height BRAND_IMAGE_HEIGHT]
[--brand-image-width BRAND_IMAGE_WIDTH]
[--brand-image-padding BRAND_IMAGE_PADDING]
[--apps-library-title APPS_LIBRARY_TITLE]
[--primary-color PRIMARY_COLOR]
[--secondary-color SECONDARY_COLOR]
[--primary-text-color PRIMARY_TEXT_COLOR]
[--primary-text-hover-color PRIMARY_TEXT_HOVER_COLOR]
[--secondary-text-color SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR]
[--secondary-text-hover-color SECONDARY_TEXT_HOVER_COLOR]
[--background-color BACKGROUND_COLOR]
[--copyright FOOTER_COPYRIGHT] [--hero-text HERO_TEXT]
[--blurb-text BLURB_TEXT]
[--feature-1-heading FEATURE_1_HEADING]
[--feature-1-body FEATURE_1_BODY]
[--feature-1-image FEATURE_1_IMAGE]
[--feature-2-heading FEATURE_2_HEADING]
[--feature-2-body FEATURE_2_BODY]
[--feature-2-image FEATURE_2_IMAGE]
[--feature-3-heading FEATURE_3_HEADING]
[--feature-3-body FEATURE_3_BODY]
[--feature-3-image FEATURE_3_IMAGE]
[--call-to-action CALL_TO_ACTION]
[--call-to-action-button CALL_TO_ACTION_BUTTON]
[--portal-base-css PORTAL_BASE_CSS]
[--home-page-css HOME_PAGE_CSS]
[--apps-library-css APPS_LIBRARY_CSS]
[--accounts-base-css ACCOUNTS_BASE_CSS]
[--login-css LOGIN_CSS] [--register-css REGISTER_CSS]
[--user-base-css USER_BASE_CSS]
[--home-page-template HOME_PAGE_TEMPLATE]
[--apps-library-template APPS_LIBRARY_TEMPLATE]
[--login-page-template LOGIN_PAGE_TEMPLATE]
[--register-page-template REGISTER_PAGE_TEMPLATE]
[--user-page-template USER_PAGE_TEMPLATE]
[--user-settings-page-template USER_SETTINGS_PAGE_TEMPLATE]
[-d] [-f]
Named Arguments
- --site-title
Title of the web page that appears in browser tabs and bookmarks of the site. Default is "Tethys Portal".
- --favicon
Local or external path to the icon that will display in the browser tab. We recommend storing the favicon in the static directory of tethys_portal. Default is "tethys_portal/images/default_favicon.png".
- --brand-text
Title that appears in the header of the portal. Default is "Tethys Portal".
- --brand-image
Local or external path to the portal logo. We recommend storing the logo in the static directory of tethys_portal. Default is "tethys_portal/images/tethys-logo-75.png".
- --brand-image-height
The height of the brand image.
- --brand-image-width
The width of the brand image.
- --brand-image-padding
The padding for the brand image.
- --apps-library-title
Title of the page that displays app icons. Default is "Apps".
- --primary-color
The primary color for the portal theme. Default is #0a62a9.
- --secondary-color
The secondary color for the portal theme. Default is #7ec1f7.
- --primary-text-color
Color of the text appearing in the headers and footer.
- --primary-text-hover-color
Hover color of the text appearing in the headers and footer (where applicable).
- --secondary-text-color
Color of secondary text on the home page.
- --secondary-text-hover-color
Hover color of the secondary text on the home page.
- --background-color
Color of the background on the apps library page and other pages.
- --copyright
Copyright text that appears in the footer of the portal. Default is "Copyright © 2025 Your Organization".
- --hero-text
Text that appears in the hero banner at the top of the home page. Default is "Welcome to Tethys Portal, the hub for your apps.".
- --blurb-text
Text that appears in the blurb banner, which follows the hero banner. Default is "Tethys Portal is designed to be customizable, so that you can host apps for your organization. You can change everything on this page from the Home Page settings.".
- --feature-1-heading
Heading for 1st feature highlight (out of 3).
- --feature-1-body
Body text for the 1st feature highlight.
- --feature-1-image
Path or url to image for the 1st feature highlight.
- --feature-2-heading
Heading for 2nd feature highlight (out of 3).
- --feature-2-body
Body text for the 2nd feature highlight.
- --feature-2-image
Path or url to image for the 2nd feature highlight.
- --feature-3-heading
Heading for 3rd feature highlight (out of 3).
- --feature-3-body
Body text for the 3rd feature highlight.
- --feature-3-image
Path or url to image for the 3rd feature highlight.
- --call-to-action
Text that appears in the call to action banner at the bottom of the page (only visible when user is not logged in). Default is "Ready to get started?".
- --call-to-action-button
Text that appears on the call to action button in the call to action banner (only visible when user is not logged in). Default is "Start Using Tethys!".
- --portal-base-css
CSS code to modify the Tethys Portal Base Page, which extends most of the portal pages (i.e. Home, Login, Developer, Admin, etc.). Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --home-page-css
CSS code to modify the Tethys Portal Home Page. Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --apps-library-css
CSS code to modify the Tethys Portal Apps Library. Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --accounts-base-css
CSS code to modify the base template for all of the accounts pages (e.g. login, register, change password, etc.). Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --login-css
CSS code to modify the Portal Login page. Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --register-css
CSS code to modify the Portal Registration page. Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --user-base-css
CSS code to modify the base template for all of the user profile pages (e.g. user, settings, manage storage). Takes or straight CSS code or a file path available through Tethys static files, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --home-page-template
Path to alternate Home page template (will replace Home page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --apps-library-template
Path to alternate Apps Library page template (will replace Apps Library page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --login-page-template
Path to alternate portal login page template (will replace login page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --register-page-template
Path to alternate portal registration (or signup) page template (will replace signup page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --user-page-template
Path to alternate user profile page template (will replace user page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- --user-settings-page-template
Path to alternate user settings (i.e. edit) page template (will replace settings page template entirely). The template must be located within a valid templates directory, such as in a Tethys app, Tethys extension, or Django app.
- -d, --restore-defaults
Restores the sites default values.
- -f, --from-file
Load site content from portal_config.yml file.