***************************** Experimental Static Resources ***************************** **Last Updated:** May 2022 Starting in Tethys 4, the Tethys SDK includes experimental static resources (CSS and JavaScript) that can be used in apps. This document provides a short description of each of these resources. .. caution:: Some of these resources may be repurposed as Gizmos in the future or may go away entirely. Use at your own risk. CSS === Use the CSS resources to apply different styles to your app or provide additional functionality. flat_nav.css ------------ Use this stylesheet to apply a flat style to the navigation pane in Tethys Apps. To use this stylesheet add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Also, add these lines to your :file:`main.css` but replace ```` with the theme color of your app: **main.css** .. code-block:: css #app-content-wrapper #app-content #app-navigation .nav li.active a { color: !important; box-shadow: inset 4px 0 0 !important; } flat_slider.css --------------- Use this stylesheet to apply a flat style to range slider elements. To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Then add the ``flat-slider`` slider class to any range inputs: .. code-block:: html flatmark.css ------------ Use this stylesheet to style checkboxes and radio controls with a flat style. To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} To use, apply the ``flatmark``, ``checkmark``, and ``checkbox`` classes and the following HTML structure: .. code-block:: html Radio controls can be built as follows: .. code-block:: html nav_header.css -------------- Use this stylesheet to build out a header with title, subtitle, and back button in the navigation pane of Tethys apps. To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Then include the ``nav_header.html`` template in the ``app_navigation`` block as follows: .. code-block:: html+django {% block app_navigation %} {% include 'tethys_layouts/components/nav_header.html' %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Finally, include the following context variables in the controller for the page: .. code-block:: python from django.shortcuts import reverse, render def some_controller(request): context = { 'nav_title': 'My Title', 'nav_subtitle': 'My Subtitle', 'back_url': reverse('my_first_app:some_url') } return render(request, 'my_first_app/some_template.html', context) nav_tabs.css ------------ Use this stylesheet to style Bootstrap tabs that are placed in the navigation pane of Tethys apps properly. To use, add the following stylesheet to your HTML template in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Then add Bootstrap tabs to the template in the ``app_navigation`` block as usual (see `Navs and tabs | Bootstrap `_): .. code-block:: html+django {% block app_navigation %}
{% endblock %} wide_nav.css ------------ Use this stylesheet to make the app navigation wider than the default (400px to be exact). To use this stylesheet add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``styles`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block styles %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} .. tip:: Alternatively, you may use the :file:`wide_nav.css` as a guide for creating your own stylesheet with a custom width. Copy the file into your app and then replace all of the ``400px`` values with the desired width and the ``415px`` value with `` + 15px``. JavaScript ========== check_ie.js ----------- Use this script to check if the web browser is Internet Explorer and display a warning message in an alert box that indicates the app does not support Internet Explorer. The exact message displayed is: "This app does not support Internet Explorer. Please switch to another browser." To use this script add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``scripts`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} collapse.js ----------- This script provides ``collapse_section()`` and ``expand_section()`` methods that can be used to collapse and expand aribtrary elements with smooth animation. To use this script add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``global_scripts`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block global_scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Then call the functions in your JavaScript: .. code-block:: javascript let element = $('#some-element-id'); collapse_section(element); expand_section(element); csrf.js ------- This script provides a ``get_csrf_token()`` function that retrieves the value of the CSRF token generated by Django from the cookie that it is stored in. To use this script add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``global_scripts`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block global_scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} Then use the ``get_csrf_token()`` function in your JavaScript AJAX requests: .. code-block:: javascript $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/apps/my-first-app/some-url', data: {some: 'data'}, beforeSend: xhr => { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', get_csrf_token()); } }).done(function(data) { // Do stuff with the result }) utilities.js ------------ This script provides several utility functions that can be used to simplify your JavaScript. The utility functions included are: * ``contains(str, sub)``: Test if a substring (``sub``) is contained in a string (``str``). Returns a boolean. * ``in_array(item, array)``: Test if given ``item`` is in the given ``array``. Returns a boolean. * ``is_defined(variable)``: Safely test if given ``variable`` is defined. Retruns a boolean. * ``to_title_case(str)``: Change case of given string to title case. Returns title case string. * ``var_to_title_case(str)``: Replace underscores with spaces, then convert to title case (e.g.: ``"some_var_name"`` -> ``"Some Var Name"``. Returns title case string. * ``compute_center(features)``: Compute the center of the given array of OpenLayers ``ol.Features`` or ``ol.geom.Geometry``. Suported geometries include ``Point``, ``LineString``, ``Polygon``, and ``MultiPolygon``. Returns an ``ol.geom.Point``. Requires OpenLayers to be loaded. * ``copy_text_to_clipboard(text)``: Add given ``text`` to the clipboard. * ``convert_utc_to_local(identifier)``: Convert UTC date times to local time. Specify CSS selector for ``identifier`` of the elements that have the datetimes as their ``innerText``. The ``innerText`` will be replaced with local time. If multiple elements selected, they will all be updated. * ``format_output_time(date)``: Format the given ``Date`` object to ``MMM DD YYYY HH:MM AM/PM``. To use this script add the following to :file:`base.html` in the ``global_scripts`` block: .. code-block:: html+django {% load static %} {% block global_scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} .. note:: The ``global_scripts`` tag is ideal for libraries containing functions that are needed by other JavaScript modules. Place JavaScript that executes on page load or manipulates page content in the ``scripts`` block.