.. _plot-view: ********* Plot View ********* **Last Updated:** August 10, 2015 Tethys Platform provides two interactive plotting engines: `D3 `_ and `Highcharts `_. The Plot view options objects have been designed to be engine independent, meaning that you can configure a D3 plot using the same syntax as a Highcharts plot. This allows you to switch which plotting engine to use via configuration. This article describes each of the plot views that are available. .. warning:: Highcharts is free-of-charge for certain applications (see: `Highcharts JS Licensing `_). If you need a guaranteed fee-free solution, D3 is recommended. .. note:: D3 plotting implemented for Line Plot, Pie Plot, Bar Plot, Scatter Plot, and Timeseries Plot. Line Plot ========= .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.LinePlot Scatter Plot ============ .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.ScatterPlot Polar Plot ========== .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.PolarPlot Pie Plot ======== .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.PiePlot Bar Plot ======== .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.BarPlot Time Series =========== .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.TimeSeries Area Range ========== .. autoclass:: tethys_sdk.gizmos.AreaRange JavaScript API -------------- For advanced features, the JavaScript API can be used to interact with the HighCharts object that is generated by the Plot View JavaScript library. TETHYS_PLOT_VIEW.initHighChartsPlot(jquery_element) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This method initializes a chart generated from an AJAX request. An example is demonstrated in the `Dam Break javascript tutorial `_. .. note:: In order to use this, you will either need to use a ``PlotView`` gizmo on the main page or register the dependencies in the main html template page using the ``import_gizmo_dependency`` tag with the ``plot_view`` name in the ``import_gizmos`` block. For example: :: {% block import_gizmos %} {% import_gizmo_dependency plot_view %} {% endblock %} Three elements are required: 1) A controller for the AJAX call with a plot view gizmo. .. code-block:: python from .app import App @controller( url="dam-break/map/hydrograph", ) def hydrograph_ajax(request): """ Controller for the hydrograph ajax request. """ # add a plot view gizmo flood_plot = TimeSeries( ... ) context = {"flood_plot": flood_plot} return App.render(request, "hydrograph_ajax.html", context) 2) A template for with the tethys gizmo (e.g. hydrograph_ajax.html) .. code-block:: html+django {% load tethys %} {% gizmo flood_plot %} 3) The AJAX call in the javascript .. code-block:: javascript $(function() { //wait for page to load $.ajax({ url: 'hydrograph', method: 'GET', data: { 'peak_flow': 500, //example data to pass to the controller }, success: function(data) { // add plot to page $("#plot_view_div").html(data); //Initialize Plot TETHYS_PLOT_VIEW.initHighChartsPlot($('.highcharts-plot')); } }); }); Highcharts JavaScript API ------------------------- The Highcharts plots can be modified via JavaScript by using jQuery to select the Highcharts div and calling the ``highcharts()`` method on it. This will return the JavaScript object that represents the plot, which can be modified using the `Highcharts API `_. :: var plot = $('#my-plot').highcharts();