******************************* Deploy App to Production Server ******************************* **Last Updated:** May 2020 In this tutorial you will learn how to install the Google Earth Tethys app in a production environment. If you don't have access to a machine with a production installation of Tethys Platform, we recommend you create a new Virtual Machine and install Tethys on it. Refer to :ref:`production_installation`. Topics covered in this tutorial include: * Installing Apps in Production * Cloning from GitHub .. figure:: ./resources/deploy_solution.png :width: 800px :align: center 1. Copy Key Google Earth Engine to Server ========================================= You will need to copy the Google Earth Engine service account key file you created earlier to the server (see: :ref:`service_account_key`). If you have SSH access to the machine, this is most easily done using `scp `_: .. code-block:: bash scp @: 1. We recommended that you ``scp`` the file to the :file:`/tmp` directory and then move it to ``TETHYS_HOME``: **System with key file**: .. code-block:: bash scp @:/tmp/gee_key.json **On Server**: .. code-block:: bash mv ~/.tethys/ 2. Change the ownership of the file to the ``NGINX_USER`` and restrict it to read-only access: **Ubuntu**: .. code-block:: bash sudo chown www-data: ~/.tethys/gee_key.json sudo chmod 0444 ~/.tethys/gee_key.json **CentOS**: .. code-block:: bash sudo chown nginx: ~/.tethys/gee_key.json sudo chmod 0444 ~/.tethys/gee_key.json 2. Follow App Installation Guide ================================ Use the :ref:`installing_apps_production` guide to install the Earth Engine app on the server with the following clarifications: * **Download App Source Code**: Clone the GitHub repository you setup in the :ref:`publish_app_to_github` tutorial. * **Install App**: You will be prompted to set values for the ``service_account_email`` and ``private_key_file`` app settings. You may skip entering the values now and set them via the app settings page later. * **Configure Additional App Settings**: Navigate to the app settings admin page for the Earth Engine app and verify that the ``service_account_email`` and ``private_key_file`` settings are configured correctly. * **Initialize Persistent Stores**: This step is not required for the Earth Engine app. 3. Verify ========= Navigate to ``http(s):///apps/earth-engine/viewer/`` and verify the following: 1. Load several datasets and ensure the imagery is displayed on the map. 2. Test the Plot Area of Interest capability. 3. Upload a boundary shapefile and verify that the imagery is clipped to the extents of that boundary. Troubleshooting =============== * If you encounter a 500 error while accessing the Viewer page check the app settings and verify that ``service_account_email`` and ``private_key_file`` are set correctly. * Verify that the service account has been registered to use the Google Earth Engine API. * Check the Tethys log for errors: :file:`/var/log/tethys/tethys.log`