*************** Setup Scheduler *************** **Last Updated:** November 2019 1. Start Scheduler ================== Open up a new terminal and make sure the tethys environment is activated (start it we the command ``t`` if not). To start the Dask scheduler run: .. code-block:: bash tethys-dask-scheduler --tethys-host ```` is the host of the Tethys server you'd like to link this scheduler with (i.e.: ``http://localhost:8000``). .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/Setup_scheduler--run_tethys_dask.png :align: center .. tip:: Do not leave out the protocol when specifying ''tethys_host'' address. 2. Start Worker =============== Open up a new terminal and make sure the tethys environment is activated. To start the worker run: .. code-block:: bash dask-worker ```` should be the same as the ``scheduler-at`` field from the previous command (e.g.: ``tcp://``). .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/Setup_scheduler--run_worker.png :align: center 3. Log in to Tethys =================== Log in to tethys. For this tutorial use the username ``admin`` and the password ``pass``. 4. Go to Site Admin =================== Use the drop down menu in the top right corner near your username to navigate to the ``Site Admin`` page. .. note:: If you are in an app, you will need to exit to the App Library page to access the drop down. 5. Dask Schedulers ================== Scroll down to the **Tethys Computing** sub group and select **Dask Scheduler** to navigate to the **Dask Scheduler** page. .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/NewTethysCompute.png :width: 900px :align: center 6. Add a New Dask Scheduler =========================== Select the **Add Dask Scheduler** button. Fill out the following form to create a new scheduler. Use the name ``test_scheduler`` for this tutorial. For host and port see the scheduler terminal. Use the ``scheduler at`` value (e.g.: for the **Host** field. Use the ``bokeh at`` port with the scheduler at host (e.g.: for **Dashboard** field, using the same host as the scheduler. Select ``Save`` once done. .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/SchedulerCommand.png :align: center .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/NewCreateDaskScheduler.png :width: 900px :align: center .. tip:: Don't include the protocol (i.e.: tcp://) when specifying the **Host** and **Dashboard** fields. 7. View Embedded Dashboard ========================== Select the **Launch Dashboard** link to the right of your newly created dashboard to visit your embedded Dashboard. It should look like this. .. figure:: ../../images/tutorial/NewDaskSchedulerPage.png :width: 900px :align: center