*********************** UrlMaps and Controllers *********************** **Last Updated:** February 22, 2018 Although ``UrlMaps`` and controllers defined in extensions are loaded, it is not recommended that you use them to load normal html pages. Rather, use ``UrlMaps`` in extensions to define REST endpoints that handle any dynamic calls used by your custom gizmos and templates. ``UrlMaps`` are defined in extensions in the ``ext.py`` in the same way that they are defined in apps: :: from tethys_sdk.base import TethysExtensionBase from tethys_sdk.base import url_map_maker class MyFirstExtension(TethysExtensionBase): """ Tethys extension class for My First Extension. """ name = 'My First Extension' package = 'my_first_extension' root_url = 'my-first-extension' description = 'This is my first extension.' def url_maps(): """ Map controllers to URLs. """ UrlMap = url_map_maker(self.root_url) return ( UrlMap( name='get_data', url='my-first-extension/rest/get-data', controller='my_first_extension.controllers.get_data ), )