.. _docker_build: ****************** Build Docker Image ****************** **Last Updated:** November 2021 With the :file:`Dockerfile` and Salt State scripts complete, the custom Docker image can now be built. Change back into the :file:`tethys_portal_docker` directory if necessary and run the command: .. code-block:: docker build -t tethys-portal-docker . .. note:: The ``-t`` option is used name or tag the docker image. The name can have two parts, separated by a ``:``: ``:``. If a ```` isn't given, it defaults to ``latest``. Run the following command to verify that the image was created: .. code-block:: docker images You should see an image with a repository "tethys-portal-docker" and tag "latest" in the list of images similar to this: .. code-block:: REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE tethys-portal-docker latest 426b6a6f36c5 1 minute ago 2.98GB Solution ======== A working build of the ``tethys-portal-docker`` image is available on Docker Hub here: ``_. What's Next? ============ Continue to the next tutorial to learn how to run the built image using Docker Compose.