Upload Shapefile

Last Updated: September 30, 2016

Add Form to Home Page

Replace the contents of the existing home.html template with:

{% extends "geoserver_app/base.html" %}

{% block app_content %}
  <h1>Upload a Shapefile</h1>
  <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">.
    {% csrf_token %}
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="fileInput">Shapefiles</label>
        <input name="files" type="file" multiple class="form-control" id="fileInput" placeholder="Shapefiles">
    <input name="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
{% endblock %}

Handle File Upload in Home Controller

Add these imports to the top of the controllers.py module:

import random
import string

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

from tethys_sdk.gizmos import *
from tethys_sdk.services import get_spatial_dataset_engine

WORKSPACE = 'geoserver_app'
GEOSERVER_URI = 'http://www.example.com/geoserver-app'

Modify the home() controller so that it can handle the file upload event like so:

def home(request):
    Controller for the app home page.
    # Retrieve a geoserver engine
    geoserver_engine = get_spatial_dataset_engine(name='default')

    # Check for workspace and create workspace for app if it doesn't exist
    response = geoserver_engine.list_workspaces()

    if response['success']:
        workspaces = response['result']

        if WORKSPACE not in workspaces:
            response = geoserver_engine.create_workspace(workspace_id=WORKSPACE,

    # Case where the form has been submitted
    if request.POST and 'submit' in request.POST:
        # Verify files are included with the form
        if request.FILES and 'files' in request.FILES:
            # Get a list of the files
            file_list = request.FILES.getlist('files')

            # Upload shapefile
            store = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
            store_id = WORKSPACE + ':' + store
            response = geoserver_engine.create_shapefile_resource(

    context = {}

    return render(request, 'geoserver_app/home.html', context)

Test Shapefile Upload

Go to the home page of your app located at http://localhost:8000/apps/geoserver-app/. You should see a form with a file input (“Browse” button or similar) and a submit button. To test this page, select the “Browse” button and upload one of the shapefiles from the data that you downloaded earlier. Remember that for the shapefile to be valid, you need to select at least the files with the extensions “shp”, “shx”, and “dbf”. Press submit to upload the files.

Use the GeoServer web admin interface (http://localhost:8181/geoserver/web/) to verify that the layers were successfully uploaded. Look for layers belonging to the workspace ‘geoserver_app’.