Condor Workflow Job Type

Last Updated: March 29, 2016

A Condor Workflow provides a way to run a group of jobs (which can have hierarchical relationships) as a single (Tethys) job. The hierarchical relationships are defined as parent-child relationships. For example, suppose a workflow is defined with three jobs: JobA, JobB, and JobC, which must be run in that order. These jobs would be defined with the following relationships: JobA is the parent of JobB, and JobB is the parent of JobC.

See also

The Condor Workflow job type uses the CondorPy library to submit jobs to HTCondor compute pools. For more information on CondorPy and HTCondor see the CondorPy documentation and specifically the Overview of HTCondor.

Setting up a CondorWorkflowTemplate

Creating a CondorWorkflowTemplate involves 3 steps:

  1. Define job descriptions for each of the sub-jobs using CondorJobDescription (see Condor Job Description).
  2. Create the sub-jobs and define relationships using CondorWorkflowJobTemplate.
  3. Create the CondorWorkflowTemplate.


The CondorWorkflowJobTemplate is similar to a CondorJobTemplate in that it represents a single HTCondor job and requires a CondorJobDescription to define the attributes of that job. However, unlike a CondorJobTemplate a CondorWorkflowJobTemplate cannot be run independently; it can only be part of a CondorWorkflowTemplate. Also, note that the CondorWorkflowJobTemplate has a parents parameter, which is used to define relationships between jobs.

The following code sample demonstrates how to set up a CondorWorkflowTemplate:

Example job_templates method with a CondorWorkflow type.

job_a_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                         remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                         transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                         transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
job_b_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                         remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                         transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                         transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
job_c_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                         remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                         transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                         transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
job_a = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobA',
job_b = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobB',
job_c = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobC',
job_templates = (CondorWorkflowTemplate(name='WorkflowABC',
                                        job_list=[job_a, job_b, job_c],

If the you want to use the same job both as part of a workflow and as a stand alone job then use the same job description in setting up the CondorJobTemplate and the CondorWorkflowJobTemplate. This process is demonstrated below:

from import CondorJobTemplate, CondorWorkflowTemplate, CondorWorkflowJobTemplate, CondorJobDescription
from tethys_sdk.compute import list_schedulers

def job_templates(cls):
    Example job_templates method with a CondorWorkflow type.

    reusable_job_a_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                                      remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                                      transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                                      transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
    job_b1_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                              remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                              transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                              transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
    job_b2_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                              remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                              transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                              transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
    job_c_description = CondorJobDescription(condorpy_template_name='vanilla_transfer_files',
                                             remote_input_files=('$(APP_WORKSPACE)/', '$(APP_WORKSPACE)/input_1', '$(USER_WORKSPACE)/input_2'),
                                             transfer_input_files=('../input_1', '../input_2'),
                                             transfer_output_files=('example_output1', example_output2),
    job_a = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobA',
    job_b1 = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobB1',
    job_b2 = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobB2',
    job_c = CondorWorkflowJobTemplate(name='JobC',
                                      parents=[job_b1, job_b2]
    job_templates = (CondorWorkflowTemplate(name='DiamondWorkflow',
                                            job_list=[job_a, job_b1, job_b2, job_c],

Creating and Customizing a Job

To create a job call the create_job method on the job manager. The required parameters are name, user and template_name. Any other job attributes can also be passed in as kwargs.

# create a new job
job = job_manager.create_job(name='job_name', user=request.user, template_name='example', description='my first job')

# customize the job using methods provided by the job type
job.set_attribute('arguments', 'input_2')

# save or execute the job
# or

Before a controller returns a response the job must be saved or else all of the changes made to the job will be lost (executing the job automatically saves it). If submitting the job takes a long time (e.g. if a large amount of data has to be uploaded to a remote scheduler) then it may be best to use AJAX to execute the job.

API Documentation

class, parameters=None, jobs=None, max_jobs=None, config=None, **kwargs)

A subclass of the JobTemplate with the type argument set to CondorWorkflow.

  • name (str) – Name to refer to the template.
  • parameters (dict, DEPRECATED) – A dictionary of key-value pairs. Each Job type defines the possible parameters.
  • jobs (list) – A list of CondorWorkflowJobTemplates.
  • max_jobs (dict, optional) – A dictionary of category-max_job pairs defining the maximum number of jobs that will run simultaneously from each category.
  • config (str, optional) – A path to a configuration file for the condorpy DAG.
class, job_description, **kwargs)

A subclass of the CondorWorkflowNodeBaseTemplate with the type argument set to CondorWorkflowJobNode.

  • name (str) – Name to refer to the template.
  • job_description (CondorJobDescription) – An instance of CondorJobDescription containing of key-value pairs of job attributes.
class tethys_compute.models.CondorWorkflow(*args, **kwargs)

CondorPy Workflow job type

class tethys_compute.models.CondorWorkflowJobNode(*args, **kwargs)

CondorWorkflow JOB type node