Production Installation on Ubuntu 14.04

Last Updated: August 11, 2015

This article will provide an overview of how to install Tethys Portal in a production setup ready to host apps. The recommended deployment platform for Python web projects is to use WSGI. The easiest and most stable way to deploy a WSGI application is with the modwsgi extension for the Apache Server. These instructions are optimized for Ubuntu 14.04 using Apache and modwsgi, though installation on other Linux distributions will be similar.

1. Install Tethys Portal

Follow the default ../installation/linux instructions to install Tethys Portal with the following considerations

  • Assign strong passwords to the database users.
  • Create a new settings file, do not use the same file that you have been using in development.
  • Optionally, Follow the Distributed Configuration instructions to install Docker and the components of the software suite on separate servers.

2. Install Apache and Dependencies

Install Apache and the modwsgi module if they are not installed already. In this tutorial, vim is used to edit file, however, you are welcome to use any text editor you are comfortable with.

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi vim

3. Make BASELINE Virtual Environment

An additional virtual environment needs to be created to use modwsgi in Apache. This virtual environment needs to be independent of the Tethys virtual environment and the system Python installation.

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/pythonenv
$ sudo virtualenv --no-site-packages /usr/local/pythonenv/BASELINE

4. Set WSGI Python Home

Edit the Apache configuration to use the BASELINE environment as the home python for WSGI. Open apache2.conf using vim or another text editor:

$ sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

To edit the file using vim, you need to be in INSERT mode. Press i to enter INSERT mode and add this line to the bottom of the apache2.conf file:

WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/pythonenv/BASELINE

Press ESC to exit INSERT mode and then press :x and ENTER to save changes and exit.

5. Make Directories for Static Files and TethysCluster

When running Tethys Platform in development mode, the static files are automatically served by the development server. In a production environment the static files will need to be collected into one location and Apache or another server will need to be configured to serve these files (see Deployment Checklist: STATIC_ROOT). Since Apache will be serving Tethys Portal under Apache user (www-data) the TethysCluster home directory also needs to be created:

$ sudo mkdir /var/www/.tethyscluster && sudo mkdir -p /var/www/tethys/static
$ sudo chown `whoami` /var/www/tethys/static

6. Setup Email Capabilities

Tethys Platform provides a mechanism for resetting forgotten passwords that requires email capabilities, for which we recommend using Postfix. Install Postfix as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install postfix

When prompted select “Internet Site”. You will then be prompted to enter you Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for your server. This is the domain name of the server you are installing Tethys Platform on. For example:

Next, configure Postfix by opening its configuration file:

$ sudo vim /etc/postfix/

Press i to start editing, find the myhostname parameter, and change it to point at your FQDN:

myhostname =

Find the mynetworks parameter and verify that it is set as follows:

mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128

Press ESC to exit INSERT mode and then press :x and ENTER to save changes and exit. Finally, restart the Postfix service to apply the changes:

$ sudo service postfix restart

Django must be configured to use the postfix server. The next section will describe the Django settings that must be configured for the email server to work. For an excellent guide on setting up Postfix on Ubuntu, refer to How To Install and Setup Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04.

7. Set Secure Settings

Several settings need to be modified in the module to make the installation ready for a production environment. The internet is a hostile environment and you need to take every precaution to make sure your Tethys Platform installation is secure. Django provides a Deployment Checklist that points out critical settings. You should review this checklist carefully before launching your site. As a minimum do the following:

Open the module for editing using vim or another text editor:

$ sudo vim /usr/lib/tethys/src/tethys_apps/

Press i to start editing and change the following settings:

  1. Create new secret key
Create a new SECRET_KEY for the production installation of Tethys Platform. Do not use the same key you used during development and keep the key a secret. Take care not to store the file with the production secret key in a repository. Django outlines several suggestions for making the secret key more secure in the Deployment Checklist: SECRET_KEY documentation.
  1. Turn off debugging

Turn off the debugging settings by changing DEBUG and TEMPLATE_DEBUG to False. You must never turn on debugging in a production environment.

DEBUG = False
  1. Set the allowed hosts

Allowed hosts must be set to a suitable value, usually a list of the names and aliases of the server that you are hosting Tethys Portal on (e.g.: “”). Django will not work without a value set for the ALLOWED_HOSTS parameter when debugging is turned of. See the Deployment Checklist: ALLOWED_HOSTS for more information.

  1. Set the static root directory

You must set the STATIC_ROOT settings to tell Django where to collect all of the static files. Set this setting to the directory that was created in the previous step (/var/www/tethys/static). See the Deployment Checklist: STATIC_ROOT for more details.

STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/tethys/static'
  1. Set email settings

Several email settings need to be configured for the forget password functionality to work properly. The following exampled illustrates how to setup email using the Postfix installation from above:

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'

For more information about setting up email capabilities for Tethys Platform, refer to the Sending email documentation.

  1. Setup social authentication
If you wish to enable social authentication capabilities in your Tethys Portal, follow the Social Authentication instructions.
  1. Configure workspaces (optional)
If you would like all of the app workspace directories to be aggregated to a central location, create the directory and then specify it using the TETHYS_WORKSPACES_ROOT setting.

Press ESC to exit INSERT mode and then press :x and ENTER to save changes and exit.


Review the Deployment Checklist carefully.

8. Create Apache Site Configuration File

Create an Apache configuration for your Tethys Platform using the gen command and open the tethys-default.conf file that was generated using vim:

         $ sudo su
         $ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
(tethys) $ tethys gen apache -d /etc/apache2/sites-available
(tethys) $ vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/tethys-default.conf
(tethys) $ exit

Press i to enter INSERT mode and edit the file. Change the ServerName and ServerAlias to match the domain for your Tethys Portal. The tethys-default.conf will look similar to this when you are done:


    Alias /static/ /var/www/tethys/static/

    <Directory /var/www/tethys/static/>
        Require all granted

    WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/lib/tethys/src/tethys_portal/

    <Directory /usr/lib/tethys/src/tethys_portal>
            Require all granted

    # Daemon config
    WSGIDaemonProcess tethys_default \
    WSGIProcessGroup tethys_default

    # Logs
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/tethys_default.error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/tethys_default.custom.log combined

There is a lot going on in this file, for more information about Django and WSGI review Django’s How to deploy with WSGI documentation.

9. Install Apps

Download and install any apps that you want to host using this installation of Tethys Platform. It is recommended that you create a directory to store the source code for all of the apps that you install. The installation of each app may vary, but generally, an app can be installed as follows:

         $ sudo su
         $ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
(tethys) $ cd /path/to/tethysapp-my_first_app
(tethys) $ python install
(tethys) $ exit

10. Collect Static Files

The static files need to be collected into the directory that you created. Enter the following commands and enter “yes” if prompted:

         $ sudo su
         $ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
(tethys) $ tethys manage collectstatic
(tethys) $ exit

11. Collect Workspaces (optional)

If you configured a workspaces directory with the TETHYS_WORKSPACES_ROOT setting, you will need to run the following command to collect all the workspaces to that directory:

         $ sudo su
         $ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
(tethys) $ tethys manage collectworkspaces
(tethys) $ exit

12. Setup the Persistent Stores for Apps

After all the apps have been successfully installed, you will need to initialize the persistent stores for the apps:

         $ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
(tethys) $ tethys syncstores all

13. Transfer Ownership to Apache

When you are finished installing Tethys Portal, change the ownership of the source code and static files to be the Apache user (www-data):

$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/lib/tethys/src /var/www/tethys/static /var/www/.tethyscluster

14. Enable Site and Restart Apache

Finally, you need to disable the default apache site, enable the Tethys Portal site, and reload Apache:

$ sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf && sudo a2ensite tethys-default.conf && sudo service apache2 reload


To install additional apps after the initial setup of Tethys, you will follow the following process:

  1. Change ownership of the src and static directories to your user using the patter in step 12 OR login as root user using sudo su.
  2. Install apps, syncstores, collectstatic, and collectworkspaces as in steps 9-12.
  3. Transfer ownership of files to Apache user as in step 13.
  4. Reload the apache server using sudo service apache2 reload.

For more information see: Installing Apps in Production.